Luke- 23

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"Dude, cheer up."


"Why not?"

"Just can't."

"Where's Alli?"


"Because you've had that doll by yourself for a good week now. I thought it was a partner project."

"It is."

"So where is she?"

"I told her I'd watch her."

"Luke, what is wrong with you?" I sighed heavily, pushing myself into a sitting position on my bed. Jack was standing in my doorway, arms crossed as he just watched me. Savannah was on the bed next to me, wrapped up in a blanket, meanwhile I've been laying here and staring at the wall for a good hour now. Well, if I'm being honest I've been staring at the ceiling for the past two days... ever since I watched her run out with him. Somehow I convinced my mum I was sick, and did not go to school at all this week. She stopped texting me about Savannah, and I don't bother even trying contacting her. She hates me. Or she should.

But I guess thats what I wanted.

"Nothing." I mumbled, rubbing my palms over my eyes.

"Whatever. " He said, being the fourth person this week to give up on asking and leave me alone. First it was Ashton, asking me for a solid hour after he kicked them out. I didn't answer him at all, not exactly sure how to explain how I was feeling. I was upset, I really did love her, and it was like I broke her all over again. I was mad, mad at Harry for being so good to her, mad at him for confronting me about it, mad at him in general. I was also mad at Alli, one for not believing me, but also for telling him. If she was going to say it was a drunken mistake, there was no need to tell him. Especially when I said I didn't remember. And then I was mad at myself. I fucked up. I always fuck up. I don't even know why I went to Lexi's. I was drunk and the sting of rejection pushed me to do something I didn't really want to do, but thought I needed. I was rejected and all I wanted was to feel a connection, any kind of connection. So I ended up at Lexi's.

After Ashton gave up on me, kicking me out of his too, my mum was next. As soon as I had gotten home she started to yell at me, but when I didn't react, at all, she became worried. I told her I didn't feel good, though I'm not sure she fully believed me. But she left me alone after that, so maybe she did. After her was my father. My mum probably said something to him because he came into my room later that night, sat on my bed, and tried to have a 'heart to heart' conversation, or something along those lines. He got fed up with my one word answers so he left. I've been shut inside my room ever since.

I just can't get it through my head. I literally threw away our friendship for nothing. Nothing. I need to get my ass up and talk to Calum, but I can't. Maybe he heard someone who looked like Alli, so it was an honest mistake. But maybe he didn't, and he made the whole thing up. Or maybe someone told him to do it. Maybe someone blackmailed him into it. I just hoped it really wasn't his doing, because I didn't want to lose another friend.

"Luke, sweetie. Can you run to the store for me?" I glanced at my mother, giving her a slight nod. She proceeded to tell me what I needed to get, specifically stuff for dinner, before giving me her card and ushering me out the door.

I had music on full blast, trying my best to drown out the thoughts in my head, but it wasn't working. My mind just kept running with different possibilities, adding to the already existent questions in my head. Was it possible I really lost her forever? How do I get her back, even as just a friend? What the hell was I supposed to do? I could apologize a million times and she still wouldn't believe me.

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