Luke- 15

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It's almost been a week and she still hasn't said a word to me. It was Friday, Ashton throwing another one of his killer parties, but there was no way in hell I was going to his one. I've barely said two words to them after that little stunt on Sunday. I still don't know how Lexi heard about her father, after an hour of interrogating her and everyone else there, nobody would own up to anything. Lexi claimed she's known that since they were friends, but I know that to be a lie.

I have tried so many times to apologize, or even just talk to her, but she wasn't having it. The only time she would talk to me would be about the project, which has been with me ever since she had run out of Ash's flat. And if she ever said anything to me it would either be 'yes', 'no', or 'I don't know'. Thats all I could get out of her, and it was starting to piss me off. At this point I didn't even care if she decided to blow up one me, screaming her head off about how terrible I was. I could deal with that, because it was true.

I was awful, and I really hated myself. I should have said something the moment they started ragging on her. But I didn't. And I regret it. I regret it so much.

I had just been so caught off guard, not knowing that the boys had invited Lexi, Sara, or Jenn. The last person I actually wanted to see was Lexi, and she happened to be the first one I saw. All I wanted from that day was to keep Alli with me, possibly even ask about Calum about what Alli had said when she was drunk, but I never got the chance. And I was back to avoiding them.

All week I had run away from Michael and Calum in the halls, dodging all their calls, and spending my lunch in the library in a secluded area in the back. I had actually come to enjoy the quiet and the peacefulness of the library. Nobody ever came back far enough to my corner, leaving me to get lost in my head. Which was both good and bad.

It was driving me up a wall. One, was it possible she was telling me the truth? Did she really not say anything about me? Did I really lose her over nothing? Two, how could I have become such an asshole? I was friends, still am I guess, with every single one of those people who had made fun of her. I had fucked Lexi for crying out loud, and I used to say the same things about her. When did I become this person? How did I become this person?

I spent all of Friday trying to get her to talk to me, although she wouldn't. I even offered to help her write since she had the cast, also thanks to me, but she refused. Every time I offered she would just shake her head, picking up her pencil and writing with her casted hand.

She seemed different ever since Sunday, and not in the way I had expected. I had expected her to hide away in the halls, even more so than she usually did. And she did. But if I ever caught her eye, which I tried and failed on more than one occasion, there would be a light there that wasn't there before. She still looked incredibly sad, but there was something in her that had sparked. She acted just as she had for the past year, ignoring anyone and everyone- which she was right, people gave her shit for the cast but she just shook it off- but I would catch her smiling down at her phone every now and then. What the hell was she looking at? Or who the hell was texting her?

I was determined to find out. I needed to apologize for last week, and I needed her back. It was weird, I had gone without her for over a year, but now that I got a little bit of that back any time without her felt like hell. She was my best friend, I know I fucked that up but I wanted her back. She was the only thing I could think of, I even started missing band practices because I lost track of time, getting lost in my head. The one thing that was driving me crazy was the kiss. I wanted to feel it again, I wanted to know if I would get that same feeling or if it was just a one time thing. I needed to know if she felt it too.

So I waited at her locker at the end of the day, people giving me even weirder looks this time than before. This time when she came around the corner she wasn't looking at the ground and avoiding everyone's gaze, she was looking at her phone, a wide grin on her face as she placed it against her ear. Confusion in me grew, her free hand, her casted hand, moving up so she could chew lightly on her nails, a little blush working on her cheeks. Who the fuck was she talking to?

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