Alli- 34

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"Please come with me."

"Luke, I can't."

"Yes you can."

"No, I'm not welcome there."

"Yes you are."

"I'm really not. They all hate me."

"No they don't." I gave Luke a pointed look, quirking an eyebrow as he reevaluated that statement. "Ok, but you're with me which means you're welcome."

"Luke." I bit back a smile, shaking my head. "If I come with you, they're going to wonder why I'm there and I don't want them to know."

A low whine left his lips, his hands gripping my hips and pulling me into him. "They won't say anything."

"You know thats not why I don't want them to know."

"I know, but they're my friends and I want to be able to tell somebody about you." I giggled softly as he stuck out his bottom lip before ducking his head and pushing his lips against my exposed shoulder. At some point since he came over, my shirt ended up thrown to the floor, love bites marking the area around my bra.

"You can tell your mum."

He whined against my shoulder, biting down gently before pulling back up to look me in the eyes. "I can't tell my mum everything."

"What could you not tell her?"

"I can't tell my mum about our sex life."

I laughed, my head thrown back as Luke's arm wrapped around my back to pull me flush against him. Our practically bare chests were pressed together, the heat from his body blocking the cool air of my room. "Yeah, you can't tell your mum about our nonexistent sex life."

"Oh, it will be existent."

"Mhmm. If you say so."

"Oh baby, I'll have you screaming my name." He growled lowly, his teeth taking the lobe of my ear to tug gently. A blush worked at my cheeks, my whole body suddenly feeling too hot. Though I didn't pull away from him. Instead I slapped his arm playfully before tangling my hands into his hair and pulling his lips back up to mine.

He laughed against me, hands slipping from my hips to fall onto my bum. He squeezed playfully, this time a laugh leaving my lips.

"Okay, you should probably go." I said once I finally pulled away.

"Not without you."

"Luke, I don't need to go to your band practice."

"But I want you too. You're my girlfriend and I want my girlfriend to be there."

"I've heard you play before, Luke. You guys are amazing."

"But I want you to be there. Please?" He pouted once again, tightening his grip around me.


"Please?" He cut me off, dragging out the word and preventing me from saying anything else. He kept dragging out the word, going louder whenever I would try to say something and letting out a whine whenever I tried to shake my head. 

"Fine!" I yelled, laughing right after. I really didn't want to go, but the smile that was on his face right then, the huge grin that broke out once I finally gave in, it was enough to have me saying 'yes' to anything he said. That was just the effect he had on me. 

"Ok. Well put on some clothes because they can't see you like that." I rolled my eyes as he pulled away from me, quickly slipping on his own t-shirt. "Here, wear this." I turned just in time to catch his flannel before it hit the floor. I looked at the red and black material for a second,  debating with myself, before slipping it over my shoulders. Luke's eyes stayed glued to my hands as they worked up the bottom of the shirt, slowly buttoning it up before his blue eyes met mine once again. "You look fucking hot in my clothes."

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