Luke- 31

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"Alli I need you to promise me something." I said quietly, her eyes glancing up at me sleepily. I had been here for a few hours, and I hadn't yet brought it back up since I told her to stop. I don't know how someone could be so cold to tell somebody to kill themselves. I mean, sure, I've said my fair share of shitty things, but I could never tell anyone to kill themselves. That's a line that should never be crossed.

"Hmm?" She hummed, her eyes closing and I could see her struggle to open them back up. I knew she wanted to go to sleep, I did too, I just need to get this one thing out first.

"Promise me you won't do this again."

She sighed, burying her face into my chest, squeezing my waist lightly. "Luke-"

"Promise me, Alli. I don't want you hurting yourself anymore." I pleaded, needing to hear her say it. I didn't want to have to walk in a third time seeing her covered in her own blood. Two times was too many... two times too many. "Please."

"I can't Luke, I'm sorry." She mumbled, her breathes shaky as I felt them fan across my chest.

"Alli." I whispered, waiting for her to look at me, though she didn't open her eyes. "Alli, please look at me." She sighed heavily against my chest, picking up her head and placing her chin on my chest, hooded eyes looking up at me.

"Yes, Luke?"

"Promise me."

"I can't."

"Promise me."

"Luke, I can't." She whispered, eyes circling my face before she stuffed it back into my chest. Her forehead was resting against my bare chest, her lips just barely pressing to the skin before she looked up at me once again. "I'm sorry, but I can't promise that."

"But Alli-"

"No. Luke, you don't want me doing it, but guess what? I don't want to do it either."

"So don't."

"It's not that easy." She said, shaking her head slightly.

"Why not? If you don't want to do it, don't." I said, not seeing how she could go through with it if she didn't even want to. How do you force a blade into your skin if you don't want to? Even if you do want to, how does the hell does somebody purposely hurt themselves? I just don't get how someone could ever do that.

"It's just not."

"Alli, talk to me."

"It doesn't matter Luke, just go to sleep."

"No." I said immediately, my face scrunched up in confusion as I stared into her brown eyes. She frowned, sleep obvious in her those eyes, but I wouldn't let her go to sleep until she talked to me about this. I wasn't going to let this go, and it would be better to get this over with now instead of later. Because I would not be letting this go anytime soon.

"Luke I'm tired."

"I know, baby, I know." I mumbled, my lips pressing to her forehead. I stayed there for a second, her forehead seemingly warmer than it should have been. "But you can't sleep until you talk to me."

"Luke." She whined, dropping her head into my chest again. And once again I felt how warm she actually felt.

"Do you feel okay?"


"Are you feeling okay?" I repeated, placing my hand on the back of her neck, which was also warm.

"I feel fine. I'm just tired."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Now can I go to sleep?"

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