Alli- 40

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"I just don't see why you want to go."

"I don't."

"Then why are you?"

I sighed heavily, glaring at the back of my mothers head. "To be the bigger person."

"I still don't think you should go."

"Well Luke will be with me. It'll be fine."

"You don't know that, your father isn't exactly the nicest person."

"I'm aware." I rolled my eyes, although she couldn't actually see it.

"So don't go."

"Mom. I'm going. I'm not staying long and Luke will be with me, it'll be fine."

She sighed, finally turning around and handing me the money I had originally come to her for. I needed to go buy a dress for this stupid shindig. "Fine."

"Thank you. Now I'll be back later." She didn't say anything as I turned and ran to Sara's car. I apologized as soon as I jumped in, seeing as she had to wait for a solid fifteen minutes while my mum tried to talk me out of it. 

"It's fine." She chuckled goodheartedly as she made her way out of my neighborhood, quickly making her way to the mall. The car ride was filled with music and small talk. We talked a lot about the boys, and how good it was that they were all back together. Even though none of them would admit it, all four of them seemed to be a lot happier together. You didn't really notice a difference when they didn't have Calum, but now that they were back together they all seemed to be glowing. 

"They missed him, even though they won't admit it."

"I mean, they were only apart for a few weeks, but it definitely made them realize how much they needed him." Sarah said, whipping her car into a spot as close as we could get. 

"Luke keeps talking about how much better they've gotten now that he came back."

"Yeah, Ashton keeps saying that the bass really finishes their sound. They're really pumped for their gig."

"Yeah, Luke keeps talking about how big of a deal it is for them."

"Yeah." Sara says, sighing as we walk into the crowded mall. "Okay, so what are we looking for?"

"A dress for my dad's wedding."

"Okay." She pauses. "Long or short?"

"Probably short... isn't the bride supposed to be the only one in a long dress? Well her and the bridesmaid?" I follow behind her as she weaves through people, obviously knowing exactly where to go. She doesn't say anything for a moment, but turns around to look at me the moment we enter some high end dress store. 

"That depends, how much do you hate your dad?"

I giggle lightly, shaking my head. "A lot."

"So it's okay if you outshine the bride. I mean the daughter is obviously more important than that gold digging bitch." I giggled again, but chose not to respond. No matter what I wear I doubt that my dad will even talk to me. He'll be too busy with his new family. I really don't know why I let Luke convince me to go. 

I followed Sara around as she picked out dresses, throwing at me and telling me to hold them. By the time we made it though the entire store, I was drowning in the twenty some dresses she threw at me. 

I followed her back to the dressing rooms, where she so gracefully (not really) crawled under one of the stalls to open the door, since no workers were around and we had to get started. Not only were we here to find a dress for the wedding, but I wanted to find something to wear to Luke's gig. I wanted to look good for him. I also told myself I had to look good if I was going to be associated with someone as attractive as Luke. 

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