Alli- 44

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"You look lovely, darling." My mother said, smiling widely as I made my way down the stairs. 

"Thanks." I mumbled, a slight frown on my face. 

"Smile, sweety, your father will really appreciate this." 

"I'm not doing it for him." 

"I know." She said, holding out a wad of cash for me. "For gas." She said when I gave her a questioning look. "And maybe food on the way home if you end up leaving early." I giggled at that, taking the money and tossing it in my purse. 

"Well, I will be back later." 

"With Luke, I'm guessing?" She asked, her voice echoing behind me as I ran to my car, the cold nipping at my bare legs. I smiled at the mention of his name, starting my car and hurrying out of my neighborhood. 

I was early... to the coffeeshop I mean. I was five minutes early, so I ordered a coffee in hopes it would warm up my body. Which it did. It warmed up my body for the entire half hour I sat there waiting. Thirty minutes had gone by, I had called him twice, texted him a bunch of times and still had gotten no response. At first I thought maybe he was just running a little behind, but he would surely be there. 

But soon enough, an hour and a half had gone by and I still had not heard from him. 

"Would you like another refill?" The server, a sweet old woman, asked me for the fifth time. 

"Uh, no thank you. I should be going." I mumbled, thanking her once again before getting back on my feet. 

I avoided her sad eyes as she watched me walk out. I had sat there for almost two hours, looking like a fool. But my entire body was filled with worry. What if he had gotten into an accident? What if he wasn't okay? 

My heels clicked loudly as I rushed back to my car, my mind set on finding him. Something had to have been wrong, he wouldn't of just not shown up. 

"Wow what a pretty dress." My eyes rolled a little when I heard the sound of her voice. Lexi. 

"Thanks." I mumbled, continuing to walk down the street, even more determined to get my car as fast as I possibly could. 

"Where's the lovely boyfriend?" She continued, the sound of her own heels clicking just as quickly as my own. When I didn't answer her, she laughed. "I told you he would leave you." 

"He didn't." 

"Oh no, is that why he's called me four times?" My feet stopped as soon as the words left her mouth. 

"You're lying." 

"Oh honey you wish I was." She giggled. Slowly, I spun on my heels, her phone already in her hand and held out to my. Surely enough, there were four missed calls. The most recent one being 2 minutes ago. He had ignored all of my messages. "I told you once you slept with him he would leave."

"I didn't sleep with him." I lied. It was none of her business anyway. 

"Well, whether you did or you didn't, he doesn't want you. I tried to tell you, I was really just trying to spare your feelings."

"Fuck you." 

"Oh wow, you do know how to talk back. Too bad you're still just a joke." 

I opened my mouth to say something before changing my mind. She wasn't worth it. But there was an anger running through my body... anger, confusion, and an unsettling sadness. She had to have been up to something. She must have stolen his phone or something. 

I sped the entire way to his house, my emotions intensifying as I saw his car still sitting in his driveway. 

My body moved without me really thinking about it. My heels clanked loudly along the ground, even louder when I stepped onto the hardwood floor, making my way down towards his room. The door was open but I couldn't see anyone. 

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