Alli- 58

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I could hear people moving around, I could hear a steady beeping that was making me want to rip off my ears, and I could feel someone poking around my arm. Although the last thing I wanted to do was open my eyes. My head was pounding, and there was a sharp pain shooting through my lower back. 

"Her vitals have been holding steady, she should recover fully." I heard someone speak, the voice deep and not one I recognized. I groaned lowly before forcing my eyes open. I was immediately blinded by the fluorescent lights above me, another groan leaving me as I waited for my eyes to adjust to the light. 

"Allison, sweetie." This time I recognized the voice, my eyes scrunched as I attempted to focus on  my mum as she took my hand in hers. It took another minute before I could finally see, my eyes scunrnhing in confusion this time as I took in my surroundings. 

I was in a hospital room, an IV placed in my arm and an oxygen tube in place under my nose. I was dressed in a hospital gown, and was tucked tightly into the hospital bed. 

"What the hell happened?" I asked, my voice raspy and throat sore. My mother gave me a sad smile before mumbling about getting me some water and walking out of the room. My eyes followed her before she disappeared behind a man in a white coat, his gaze fully intent on me. 

"Allison, I'm Doctor London, I'm glad to see you're awake." 

"Uh... how long have I... not- not been awake?" I asked, my head tilting to the side in confusion. I couldn't really remember how I had ended up here... much less how long I could have possibly been asleep. 

"Two days." The doctor spoke gently, my jaw dropping wide. He couldn't be serious, could he? 

"What- how?" 

"Allison, do you remember what happened?" I started to shake my head at his question before everything started flying back at me. 

I went to the airport to pick up my mother, only to find Luke and Sara with her too. Jaime drove us to the diner and made us food... on the way back to my apartment I remembered seeing bright lights before everything went black. So what exactly did happen? Did we get hit? Where was Sara? Where was Jaime? Where was Luke?

"Kind of." I answered, my head starting to ache as I desperately tried to recall anything. 

"You were in a car accident." He said softly, my mother reentering the room. I watched as she rushed to my side, my eyes going wide as I finally noticed the stitches on the side of her head. 

"Is everyone okay? Mum where's Luke?" 

"Luke's fine, honey, he and Jaime went down to get some food. They should be back up soon." She assured me, my heart still pounding heavily in my chest. Did he have to get stitches too? Did he break anything? 

"Oh." I mumbled, my stomach dropping as I realized my mother forgot a name. "What... what about Sara?" I gulped, watching as my mother sucked in a sharp breath. That didn't mean good news. 

"Miss Hart is not in the best condition." The doctor spoke again, my eyes shooting over to glare slightly at him. It wasn't that I didn't like him, I just didn't like the way he spoke. He talked as though anything he said was going to break me... like I couldn't handle hearing that one of my friends was hurt. Although, to be fair, I wasn't sure if I could- the look in his eyes told me it wasn't good. 

"Go on." I urged him, taking a hold of my mum's hand and squeezing it tightly. My head was still pounding and there was a throbbing in my lower back, but I couldn't focus on that with the sad eyes the doctor was giving me. 

"She was in surgery for almost six hours, she lost a lot of blood." I completely stopped breathing at his words, my eyes bugging out of my head. "She hasn't woken up yet. We aren't sure if she's going to."

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