Luke- 11

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"Kiss me."

She smiled widely, scooting her way up from my chest, placing a lingering kiss to my jaw before meeting my gaze.

"But I'm drunk." She retorted, a proud smile on her face.

"It's just a kiss." I mumbled, my breath catching in my throat she pressed her lips to the corner of my mouth, only for a second before she pulled back.

"There." She said, that same proud smirk on her wonderfully pink lips.

I rolled my eyes, my hands finally moving from my sides to cradle her cheeks and pull her forward. She let out a content sigh as soon as my lips were on hers, the rest of her body melting into mine as one of her hands moved to grip my hip, the other taking a fistful of my shirt and pulling me closer.

Her lips molded to mine perfectly, her bottom lip fitting between mine like it was made to be there. She pulled back after a moment, a shy grin on her face as she released my hip, bringing up her hand to push my shoulder, push me so I was laying flat on my back before she quickly crawled over top, her legs on either side of my hips.

Before I could protest, she captured my bottom lip between hers, her tongue snaking out to run along my lip ring, her teeth tugging at it gently. A deep groan rumbled from within my chest, a small smile on her face as she pulled it back, letting my lip go before diving right back in.

She parted my lips with her tongue just enough to slip it through to meet my own. As soon as her tongue met my own, dancing wildly together, I just about lost it. My heart felt like it was soaring, my stomach fluttering, my head spinning. Shivers were running down my spine, the feel of her kiss like nothing I'd ever experienced before.

My arms wrapped tightly around her back, my body moving to a sitting position as she resettled herself in my lap. My head was tilted back, her body towering over mine as she held herself above me, increasing the pressure of her lips on mine, her hands tangling into my hair. Another low groan was released from my throat as she pushed her hips down into mine, her legs crossing behind my back as she pushed herself harder against me.

I pulled back breathlessly, no words forming in my head even though I knew I had to stop. Well, she had to stop or neither of us would like the result. But I couldn't form any coherent thought as she ducked her head to bring her lips to my jaw, teeth grazing along the vein she had found.

"Alli...." I mumbled, half-warning half-moan as she sucked harshly on the skin covering the vein. I felt her lips quirk up in satisfaction, but I really needed her stop. I was having a growing problem- literally- and I was not going use her just because I had a hard on and she was the only girl here.

Another groan was set free as she rolled her hips, her hands tugging at the strands of my hair. It took everything in me to pull my hands from her back to place them on her hips and force her back. She looked at me startled, still a slight glaze covering her eyes from the alcohol.

"You should get some sleep."

She was panting heavily, her hands untangling my hair before she nodded and crawled off of me. She resumed her position on her side, her back facing me this time. I sighed, shaking my head as I laid on my back, staring straight at the ceiling. My head was still spinning, my heart pounding, the pressure of her lips on my own still fresh in my mind.

We laid in silence for a few moments before the bed shifted under her weight, her body twisting so she could face me. She smiled hesitantly, reaching out to grab my hand, twisting back around and bringing me with her. She slotted her fingers between mine, tangling her legs with mine, and bringing my hand  up to press her lips to the back of it. I didn't say anything as I readjusted myself, my hand slipping from hers to wrap around her waist, pulling her closer. She sighed, her head moving to rest against my shoulder. A shiver raced down my spine, once again, as she pressed her lips to the side of my neck. 

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