Chapter 1: The Beginning Of It All

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Jonathan's POV:

I finished eating my breakfast and was getting ready to set up my recording. It was hard to be happy while recording, considering my dog was currently in the vet. I still tried anyway. I sat down on my couch to kill sometime before needing to set up. Suddenly, my roommate Cartoonz came from the bathroom.

"Hey," He said passing by to get some cereal.

I give him a 'sup' nod. Cartoonz is the only one who's seen my face, I'm very silent about myself. I guess I'm just very insecure about myself. He grabbed a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and sat down next to me, flipping on the TV.

"So, what's your schedule for today?" He asks, munching on his cereal.

I glance at him then the TV. I took out my phone and unlocked it, going to my reminders for this week.

"Uh..Today, I'm recording with Evan, Marcel, Brock, and David. We are going to play a scary map on Gmod." I said scrolling down through my phone.

"Tomorrow, I'm recording by myself to play that Batman game, which I might add I'm hooked on. Then on Friday, I'm recording with Evan, Craig, Brian, and Lui, and later with Wildcat. We are going to play GTA. Then I don't really have anything on the weekend," I turned off my phone and saw his face sadden.

"Man..when can we hang out? Like, away from recording?" He asked getting up to clean his bowl.

"We can this weekend?" I add on. And he sits back down.

"I suppose so, we could go clubbing? I think you should find someone." He winks, I blush.

"You know I can't, I don't like it when people see...this" I motion to my face.

He chuckled and shook his head.

"Well, then you can freak people out with the mask of a killer." He joked.

I gave a fake smile, trying to forget the last time I flirted with a girl, with my mask..


A girl with brown hair and bright hazel eyes approaches me. She was wearing a spaghetti tank top and really short shorts, because of the heat. I could feel myself getting red, luckily my mask was on.

"Hey..what's with the mask?" She point and raises an eyebrow.

"Uh..I uh.." I didn't know what to say. All words and thoughts were gone.

She crosses her arms waiting for an answer. Of course I couldn't tell her the truth, I barely know her.

"Just to..uh..make me look cool?" I question. Awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck.

She laughed and smiled.

" cliche! You look stupid!" She started laughing and walked away.

I've never felt so insecure about myself since then.

-end of flashback-

"Jonathan? Are you there?" I heard Luke's voice sing. He was waving his hand in front of me.

"Huh-wha?! Oh..sorry..just thinking.." I mumble.

"Hey..that one girl was just dumb and probably insecure about herself. We don't have to go clubbing, we can do something else. I just wanted to find someone too," he grinned big trying to make me feel better.

I sighed and heard my phone go off. I picked up my phone beside me and looked at it:

Start setting up now!

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