Chapter 32: Curiosity Can Get A Fool Hurt

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Marcel's POV:

I scrunched my nose as Scotty kept poking and flicking me, "Can you not, Scotty?" I said, annoyed. He giggled and continued to poke me for the what seemed like the hundredth time. I turned to him with my arms crossed.

"If you poke me one more time, I won't hesitate to tackle you," I warned.


And just like that I pushed him off the couch and hovered over him on the ground, pinning his hands above his head. He started giggling.

"Now..what should I do with you?"
Scotty then smirked and leaned up, smashing my lips into his. I closed my eyes slowly and gave into the kiss. Once I pulled away, Scotty leaned in again wanting more, but I teased and said, "I think we're done here, learn your lesson?"

"Tsk, whatever.." He laughed.

I got off of him and helped him up. I dusted off the fuzz that was on my shirt. "I'll be right back, gotta use the bathroom," Scotty pointed back. I nodded and he exited the room.

I laughed to myself at him. We've only been together for a few days now and I feel like I need to always be with him. His bubbly attitude and childish personality, the way his small dimples show when he smiles, and his beautiful, light, green eyes that sparkle.

*buzz buzz*

I glance over at the coffee table and see Scotty's phone had went off. I kept staring at it and walked over. I read the text, who it was from more rather, it doesn't show what they sent, I'd have to go through it. But it read 'BM,' who it was from. I stare at the phone more and contemplate whether or not to got through it. He- He wouldn't care right? Or is this invading his privacy? We..We're together now and..he knows a lot about me and- and we don't keep secrets from each other, right? Yeah, I- I should know..

I pick up the phone and swipe it over. Surprisingly, he didn't put a lock on it and I got in. I open iMessage and see 'BM.'

'I see you have accomplished half of your task, be sure to keep me updated. Now, time for me to tell you what I've been doing. I miss you by the way. I hope I see you again soon. :)
Now, here's my update. We successfully finished Point 2 and they are clueless, we think. Oh, I almost forgot, that secret Point I was going to-'

"Hey, what are you doing?"

I jump and shut off his phone, putting it behind my back.

"Uh, I- Uh.. Nothing! It's just that..your phone went off and-and I-I-I.." I stumble over my words and try to think of something, but draw a blank.

He crossed his arms and knitted his eyebrows. I smiled nervously and kept the phone behind my back. "Give me my phone, Marcel, that's my privacy!" He snapped. I felt something sharp hit my chest, inside. I gulped slowly and handed him his phone. He's never raised his voice like that to me. I look down and rub my arm. I felt him touch my shoulder and I look up. He was smiling, "Sorry.. I shouldn't have raised my voice. But you don't go looking at other people's private stuff, okay?"

I shrugged, "I was just curious.. I didn't think it was that big of a deal.."

"And curiosity can get a fool hurt. Just..stay outta my phone.. Please."

"Yeah, sure.." I said quietly.

He nodded and let go of my shoulder. He walked passed me to the door and read is phone.

"Hey..uh.. I gotta run some errands, catch ya at dinner tonight?"

"If you're still up for that, sure." I answer, not facing him.

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