Chapter 34: Shadow & Pizza

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3rd Person POV:

"Evan! Take your goddamn medicine! You're such a stubborn bitch!" Jonathan yelled, chasing Evan around the house.

Evan was giggling as he hid. Jonathan searched the house with the bottle of pills. He sighed at his childish activity.

Evan's 'sickness' has gotten better after receiving the medicine from the hospital. The information is still on the edge. The medicine isn't guaranteed to keep him this way forever or so, but to have him not feel like shit, to say the least. Evan still needed to take it easy, but of course with his stubborn attitude and with his childish behavior, that wasn't the simplest of orders. Could you blame him; being in a bed for what seems like an eternity; getting the chance of moving around and not falling because of being weak. Jonathan was pleased with his positive attitude and his energy about it, but he knew that they needed to be careful and not take any chances.

Jonathan opened the closet that Evan was hiding in and roared. Evan laughed as Jonathan pulled him out of the closet and chased him once again when Evan got lose again. He ran to the bedroom. Jonathan closed the door and Evan backed up, hitting the bed and falling on his back, still laughing hard. Jonathan tackled on top of him and smirked,
"Are you gonna take your medicine now, or do I have to force you?"

Evan shook his head like a little kid, trying to act as serious as possible, but it didn't seem possible because of him laughing so much.

"Do I have to shove it up your ass like an animal?" Jonathan laughed half-way through.

"EWWW!" Evan exclaimed, laughing harder.

"Haha! That was awful! I'm sorry.. But seriously, will you take your medicine?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to have some fun.." He smiled. Jonathan got off and sat on the bed as he sat up to take the pills.

As he took the pills, Jonathan checked his vibrating phone. It was a text, from Marcel.
Marcel - Hey.. Um.. When is that.. Thing again?

Jonathan - I'm not sure yet, I need to discuss it with Evan. I haven't even told him about it. I just spent about 10 minutes trying to shove his pills down his throat! Lol.

Marcel - Oh, okay. Lol.

Jonathan - Why?

Marcel - No reason.. Just wanted to know ahead.. :/

Jonathan - Okay..?
(End Text)

Marcel didn't text back. Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows at this, he was confused. Was there something wrong? No, probably just wondering ahead, after all, many do the same.

"Who was that?" Evan asked.

"Just Marcel with a question. It's related to what I actually need to ask you," he answered, setting his phone aside.

"What is it?"

"Well, I was waiting to see how you'd feel, but seeing as you're doing well so far I've decided to maybe plan a Christmas party, here!" Jonathan smiled, using his hands to exclaim it more.

Evan's eyes lit up and he smiled, "Really? Here!? That's sounds awesome! Yeah! I'd love to do that!"

"Great! As for gifts, what do you want to do? We could do a Secret Santa, but we're gonna get each other something anyway..." He began.

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