Chapter 39: Bait

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3rd POV:

Jonathan entered the room and his eyes widened at the hallway of cells. The eerie quietness was ringing at his ears, and the drops of water and clicking of the chains that swung didn't help - keeping him consoled and calm that is. He walked past the cell of rooms. They were brick walls, grey and musty. A small window at the top, Jonathan was tall enough to see. And the doors were metal like the last one he opened, but with a small window. Evan had to be in one of these. He was determined at that. As he walked, he kept his footsteps light, who knows where Adam is, or any of his henchmen. Jonathan kept his confidence and the rage of revenge flow through him, but his palms were sweaty (a/n: weak knees moms spaghetti..XD you all were thinking it don't lie.) and he was nervous.

Soon, voices were heard. He followed it and tracked where it was coming from. He pressed his ear against one of the cells.
"Goddammit.. I'm so stupid. Please don't be here.. Please don't come.." The familiar voice said behind the wall.

Jonathan's eyes widened as he rushed over to the door and peaked through the dirty window. It was Evan. He wiggled the doorknob, it was locked. He wiggled it and tapped the window to get his attention. Evan was sitting on a metal bed, cuts and bruises all over him. He was pale and looked as if he'd be sick any moment. Evan's ears twitched like a dog and his head tilted to the direction. His eyes widened.
"J-Jonathan..?" He stuttered.
Jonathan nodded and gave a small smile, jiggling the doorknob again. Jonathan tried to speak, but all Evan could see was mouthing, nothing was heard because of the soundproof walls on the inside. So he wasn't able to hear anything but he could hear him. Evan shook his head and said, "I can't hear you, sound proof walls..- but Jon you can't-"

Jonathan pointed down at the doorknob and jiggled it once more. Evan raised and eyebrow then nodded, "The keys? The keys! They're at the end of the hall on a hook. But be careful I don't know if-" but before Evan could finish Jonathan just nodded and ran to the end of the hall. He grabbed the oddly, unprotected keys and rushed back to Evan's door. And with a click he opened the door. Jonathan attacked Evan on the bed and hugged him tight.

"I'm so glad I found you.. How bad did he hurt you?" Jonathan sat up and inspected his cuts.

"Jonathan, you need to leave.." Evan murmured.


"I'm.." He began to crack in his voice, "I'm just.. bait.."

"Evan, what do you mean..?" Jonathan placed his hands on Evan's rough cheeks.

"They're going to..- Jonathan..!"


Jonathan fell to the ground, unconscious. Evan's eyes swelled with tears and they began to fall rapidly. "D-Del-Jonathan.."
"Oh shut the fuck up you baby! You're both getting what you deserve. Now get some rest, you'll need it for what the boss has in store for you two," The bearded Mexican remarked and twirled the frying pan around.

"Just leave Gassy.. Just leave.." Evan sobbed.

Max shrugged and closed the door with a click, indicating that it locked. Evan fell to his knees and held his lover in his hands. He nearly dropped him from being so weak, but he held on. He pressed his head against his lovers and began to sob "sorries" and "it's all my fault" whispers.

Jonathan's POV:

I open my heavy eyelids and see a blurry room. I blink a few more times to clear the vision. I furrow my eyebrows as I try to move, but am stopped by a tug at my legs and arms. I look down and I see I'm tied up. I struggle to try and get out. I examine the dull, dingy room some more. I remember what happened. I curse under my breath and grit my teeth. I look to my right and see Evan, his head hanging low.
"Evan," I say.
He turns his head to me and gives a small smile, "You're awake, g-good.."
He looks as if he is going to breakdown.
"What's going to happen?" I whisper/shout.
He doesn't answer. He knows I know what's going to happen. But I don't want to know anymore. I suddenly hear a groan and it wasn't coming from Evan. I lean forward last his head and see it's.. Marcel!

"Agh, Jonathan? You came to save us..? That was stupid of you.." He replied.

"What?" I knit my eyebrows towards him.
"We are just bait, to get you here.. Did you bring the others?"

"No.." I shake my head and look down at my knees.

"We might have a chance.." He says, but I could hear the uncertainty in his voice.

I opened my mouth to say something but quickly shut it when a door squeaked open. Heavy footsteps of what sounded like four people came in. I look up and see Adam, a Mexican, Simon, and.. Scotty..
I see Scott give a weak smile but quickly frown, looking as if he'd cry. He was being forced. I could tell. As for Simon and the Mexican, their faces were full of excitement and joy like the banana man's.

"Ahh.. The plan worked. The bait to claw at the stray cat; the bait to real in the shark, or better yet, the small minnow," Adam winked and tipped his top hat.

What a stupid hat, what is this dress up?
He walked up to my and placed a finger under my chin lifting it up. I gritted my teeth and shook my arms, wanting to attack him. He let go and paced in front of us.

"This'll be fun, gentlemen.. And lady, pick your subject.." He spread his arms, "oh, but not him, he's mine.." He pointed at me and smirked.

"Scott and I will take Marcie poo!" Simon giggled pulling Scott's arm. I saw an evil look in her eye as she touch Scott. I have a feeling Marcel isn't the only one..

"Looks like I get the Asian." The Mexican pointed his finger up like a gun.

He walked over to Evan and picked up a small knife, it looked like a pocket knife. "Don't you fucking touch him if you want to live!" I hiss.

"What are you gonna do?" He placed the blade against Evan's neck. Evan shook his head slowly at me. I was filled with rage, but with a squeeze of my cheeks my face was placed in front of Adam. I shook my hands out of his grasp and gritted my teeth hard. He placed his hands on me. I was disgusted as he caresses my neck and cheeks, pacing around me. I spit on the ground and feel the rage run through me. I turned to Evan and see he eyes stare at mine. We both had worried looks in our eyes.
How are we suppose to get out of this?

Have you forgotten about me?



I want to apologize for not updating. For those who follow me and or read 'My Book' you know what's been going on. :3 I appreciate all your understandings and support. <3 I am really luck you for you all!


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