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I'm not doing a sequel. I'm not doing a sequel because my books aren't like others, where they end like that. Get married and adopt kids, that doesn't go with the whole plot. Besides, like Evan said, they've been dating for only a year. And many books end that way. Where would the plot go? Where else would I take it? Just have a detailed chapter about their wedding and their kids? That's not entertaining. I can think of many ideas where I could take it, but then I'd lose my motivation towards it.

Also, I wouldn't be able to take time to work on other books you guys ask me to update when I have this one. Now that this is done, I can work on them.
I'm sorry to disappoint you all for it, but that's how it has to be. Maybe I'm the future I'll write a prologue to it, but for now no sequel.

Thanks for those who understand and support me. And for those who are mad or upset; sorry I guess.
But all good things must come to an end. Hope you can forgive me.



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