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Author's Note:

Guys.. Just.. THANK YOU! I cannot believe this book is at 52k reads and over 4K votes! It's insane! This was my first Fanfiction EVER! I thought it was going to be lame and all of that! But no!

We all went through the emotional RollerCoaster in this book, even me!
Haha! But I do want to say sorry for the abrupt ending. But since this book is coming to an end this means..

MORE BOOKS! That's right! VOR and WITF? Will be updated more (hopefully) now that this book is over.

AND to top all of that, a new book is in the works, but will not be out for awhile. But seriously guys..

I love you all so much. You've all made the biggest impact in my life and I wouldn't be here, continuing to write, without you guys! You've encouraged me and motivated me.

Anyway, I should stop before I legit start crying.. :,)
Again thank you all for your support and love! I look forward for the near future of my other books!



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