Chapter 36: A White Christmas (2)

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(Song: Adventure Of a Lifetime - Coldplay. Playing is optional)

3rd POV:

(A few days after)

Evan and Jonathan got up that morning with a knock on the door. Jonathan groaned and rose from the bed and sluggishly walked to the door, where the knocks kept going. He opened the door and shook his head with a smile at the idiots before him. Each with a smile and a platter of food in some of their hands, and in some of the other guys' hands were some wrapped gifts. Jonathan rubbed the side of his face as they all invited themselves in and began to get comfortable.

"Why are you all here so early?" Jonathan said with a whiney tone.

"It's eleven, it's not that early," David remarked.

"Well, for a person who- whatever, why are you all here?" He asked again.

"It's Christmas Eve!" Lui exclaimed.

"I-It is!?"

"Yeah, bro, why?" Brian raised an eyebrow at his reaction, setting down a present.

Jonathan sighed and face palmed, he had forgotten to get a gift for Evan. This was their first Christmas together. How could he have forgotten? He knows Evan got him something by the way he was acting at the mall yesterday. He felt awful and answered in a guilty tone, "I totally forgot to get Evan a gift... I don't even know where to start on getting him a gift.." The guys all looked at each other and smirked.

"Well, some of us can stall Evan before the party tonight, while some of us go with you to look for a gift. Sound like a plan?" Brock smiled proudly at his plan. All the guys agreed at the plan. "You guys would really do this for me?"

"Yeah! We're your friends, man! Hashtag: Friendship," Lui giggled.

Jonathan smiled and thought of how grateful he was towards his friends. "Thanks guys. So who's coming with me and who's staying?"

"Hm, well, I say.. Lui, Craig, and I will go with you. And the rest will stay here." Brock answered, pointing. Everyone nodded in agreement and got ready.


Evan woke up and walked into the room, dressed and all. He raised an eyebrow at the men in his living room, casually playing video games and laughing. Evan laughed at them, but realized some of the others were gone. "Where's Craig, Lui, Brock, and Jonathan?" He asked.

Brian stuttered trying to come up with something, but, luckily, Tyler spoke up.

"They headed out to get hot-cocoa for everyone," He answered, not even making eye contact with him - keeping his eyes on the TV to make it look serious.

"Oh. Well, I cannot wait for the party tonight. I'm so excited to give Jon his gift!" Evan exclaimed and clasped his hands together. He was very giddy and his cheeks were a light shade of pink as he talked. None of the guys have seen this side of him. It's always been tough guy attitude for both, probably because it was on camera. David chuckled, "What did you get him, school girl Evan?"

"Shut up, I'm just really excited. I got him a new game that he's been wanting for some time now,"

"I forgot what it's called, but I know what you're talking about. Man, that game was like almost seventy dollars, because it's so new. That's a lot," Brian snickered.

"I love him, I'll do anything for him." He simply said.

Brian sighed and looked down. He agreed with Evan.

"Hey! Guys, look!" David pointed out the window. They all ran to it and looked outside. Down fluttered small snowflakes, leaving a white layer across the ground.

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