Chapter 21: Silence

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~Evan's POV~

*beep, beep, beep, beep*

Silent. Nothing but the sound of the heartbeat monitor. Just silence. Complete silence. No snide remarks from the guys, no happy giggles, no flirtatious whispers, no insane laughter, just silence. It's been about two weeks and for the past two weeks I've been here, with Jonathan. The doctors are still working on him. They said the bullet didn't go straight through. So bits and pieces of the bullet are probably in his body until they do a full scan. I haven't left the hospital. I've changed and showered here in the bathrooms and asked the guys for a change of clothes. And of course the guys are worried, but not just about Jonathan, but about me.

Why are they worried about me? I don't know. I laid down on the uncomfortable couch that I've been sleeping on and rested my hand on my forehead. Occasionally, I'll sleep by Jonathan's side and play with his hair, while hearing his slow heavy breathing. I stared at the ceiling and replayed those terrifying scenes through my head. How were we going to tell our subscribers this? Maybe we don't. Maybe we just act like it never happened...? That's sounds difficult.

I look over at Jonathan, still with the breathing mask and all, sleeping. I don't say unconscious, because I don't like the thought of him being in a coma and possibly dying. I just like thinking he's in a deep long sleep, until he wakes up I'll be here. But what if he never wakes up? What will people say then? They already lost Luke... Speaking of, the funeral hasn't been set up for that yet. These thoughts all were connected. Then one thing lead to another. I picked up my phone and texted Tyler to set up the funeral for Luke, because Jonathan is.. Here.

I put my phone down and laid back into the same position. I then kept thinking. The thoughts made me want to cry. I could cry, I just didn't want to. I know he'd want me to be strong, but it's so hard. I've never been so lovesick in my life. I love him so much, I can't lose him. I get up and walk over to his bed and lay down beside him. I start to caress his cheek and play with his hair again. I traced my fingers over the cuts and bruises. He didn't move, all was heard was his steady breathing. I pecked his forehead and continued with my thoughts.

I thought back to the scene of him getting shot. I realized Nanners escaped. Will he come back? Probably. Do I care? Yes and no. If he comes back, we'll be ready. This was no longer because of Jon's debt, this was war. I picked up Jon's hand and pecked it, then rubbed my thumb over his knuckles. I then heard a click as the door opened, revealing my friends for their visit. They visit every Saturday. I put Jonathan's hand down and sit up as they walk in.

"How's everything?" David asked as he took a seat with Lui on the couch.

"The usual.." I sigh.

Tyler leaned against the wall and held Craig's hand as Craig sat down next to Lui. Brock and Brian leaned against the wall too. Marcel sat on the arm of the couch.

Tyler sighed, "I got your text, don't you think he'd want to plan it?"

Everyone stared at him and I with a confused look.

"Well, the possibilities right now are at a limit. We don't have much choice. I was thinking sometime in September. If that's okay," I continue, trying not to crack.

Tyler gave me a small smile and nodded.
"Do what in September?" Brock asked.

"Luke's funeral," Tyler answered.

I looked down at Jon's face. I want to cry each time I see his hurt face. The room was once again silent. I didn't mind it though, to the guys     it must be awkward silence, but to me it's a nice silence.

"What are we going to tell our viewers? That 'Jonathan got kidnapped and we had to fucking kill people to get him back from this guy who tortured him!'? I mean, come on! We're screwed!" Craig suddenly shouted, putting his hands in the air.

I frown at this and clench my fists out of rage,
"I don't know Mini, but if you don't shut your fucking mouth, I'll shut it for you!"

"Woah, woah, woah! Hold up. Calm down, both of you. We can figure it out when things aren't fucked up. Right now, let's spend time with Jonathan," Marcel said in a serious tone.

I clench my jaw and calm down. I sigh and looked down at Jonathan again. I felt like crying. I've cried so many times in this room, I'm surprised I haven't made it flood.

"Listen, it's nice that you visit Jonathan and all, but can you just leave for today?" I ask, trying to not sound like a dick more than I already am.

"We aren't here to check on Delirious only, we're also here to check on you. You haven't came back to the house in awhile, I mean we give the clothing and stuff, but still." Brian spoke up.

"You need to come back to the house." Lui added.

The guys didn't understand my condition. I was hurt and tired of this.

"I'm fine, now can you just leave?"


"Leave!" I snap.

They all froze in shock at my snap. Then they all saddened and left. Tyler looked back at me before slamming the door shut. I felt my cheeks get warm as cold beads of water dripped down them. I sniffed and sobbed into the pillow next to Jonathan.

I wish you were here to make things better..

~time skip~

It's been a month now. A painful... Painful month. The doctors are wanting to give up. They did the surgery and everything, but he still hasn't woken up yet. Why? Why me? Why us? I miss him so much. I cry myself to sleep each night next to him. I can't.. I can't..

The guys don't visit anymore, I scared them off. My anger scared everyone away. I'm broken. The room has always been filled with silence and the heartbeat monitor. It's slow and weak, but it's calming to me. Knowing he's still here, just not awake. He's still asleep. He's probably dreaming about me... I dream about him.
I curl up into a ball and rest my head on my knees. I sniff and let the tear flow. There's no use. The doctors come in and help me up. Here's the usual news,

"Jonathan is still in an unusual state. He's not getting better, but he's not getting worse either. We don't know what's wrong, we're trying everything Mr. Fong, so bear with us. If you don't mind stepping out of the room for us to do some test, that would be much appreciated."

I sigh and nod leaving the room and sit down next to the doorway.


The doctor comes out and I stand up for the news.

"He's still the same. We got rid of the monitor, but he has a more advanced one that we can watch. You may enter." He said motioning his hand to the door.

I walk in and hear nothing but silence. No heartbeat monitor this time, just his heavy breathing. This is not calming. But at the same time. I like the silence. I lay next to Jon and hum a little tune, like a lullaby, only it made up.

I slowly fall asleep by his side..


Sorry this is sorta boring and sad.. :( but I'm having major writers block.. Also, my parents are being so mean! Like bruh! Anyways hope you liked this chapter! :)

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