Chapter 38: They Took Our Love

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Novocaine - Fall Out Boy
(play at *•* also it may have glitched, so if it didn't upload, I'll try again later or you can play from a separate device if you'd like, or for mobile you know what to do. :3)

Lui's POV:

We listened to Delirious sing from the living room. All of us were surprised at how beautiful his voice sounded, very surprised. Because of how scruffy it is. It wasn't a thing we'd think he'd be good at. But we all felt our chests hurt at the meaningful song and the cracking here and there. We knew he was crying, but he was strong and kept going. Soon, he ended it. I sighed and looked at the guys. We had just finished discussing possible places Evan could be. I shrugged and scratched my head.

"Could he be in the same place..?" I ask, thinking it was a stupid question.

"Well, that may be a possible place, but why would he go back?" David mentions.

"Well, Jonathan did say something about Anthony being dead.. Could that be the reason?"

They all shrugged and stayed silent.

"Maybe.. But one of the leads is that and this place, which isn't abandoned, it's a well-known bar. As word from the detectives," Brock pointed at the list of places on the lined paper.
I place a finger on my chin and bite my bottom lip. This was difficult, but it would be worth a chance checking there. I then hear footsteps and turn my head in the direction. Delirious walked out with his mask on..? It was all scratched and a piece broken at the bottom, revealing the corner of his mouth.

He clenched his fists and spoke with rage, "Where are we going?"
"There's the bar Calix Bud, and the previous place.." I say.

"The first time,"
He nods and takes the paper to examine it.
He pointed at something and gritted his teeth,
"The Calix Bud? Hm..?" Tyler raises an eyebrow.
"Yes, I know a guy. And if Nanners is there then that fucker betrayed me to let him in,"
"Alright.. When do we leave?" Craig stands up, cleaning some of the pop cans.

"We leave right fucking now!" Delirious cursed and points at he ground. He begins stomping to the front door, but Brian steps in his path.

"Get the fuck out of my way, Terroriser." He growls.
"Delirious, you need to keep a clear head about this, a smart one in fact. You're letting the rage get to you, and we all know what happens whe-"

"I don't give a flying fuck anymore, I just want Evan back! He took him, scratch that; he took our love! Brian, what if this was Brock?"
Brian looks down and his eyes sadden.

I shook my head at the pity card he was playing. I walked up to Brian and whispered for him to go help Craig. I cross my arms and stare at him, I may be small, but I'll give the most goddamn death glare possible to look intimidating. Delirious looks away and snorts.

"Jonathan, you promised," I said.
"I only promised Evan, not all of you. Now, if you guys aren't coming with me, then I'm going myself." He spat and just like that, like a genie who snaps his fingers, he was gone.

I blink my eyes in disbelief. Everyone else gives the same looks. Then I see a piece of paper slowly land on the ground. I glance down at a note. I read aloud,
"I may have been a bit rude, but never mind that. There's something that I need to tell you, I can freeze time. Yeah, don't believe me? Well fuck you, alright? Anyway, they're here, Calix Bud. But my freeze just.. Stopped? Well, the world played again. I ran back up and am hiding. If I don't come back soon, then come look for me. -Delirious,"

I shook my head and waved everyone to get a move on, for all we know, somethings could've happened.

Jonathan's POV:

I grit my teeth at Lui. I needed to leave, I can't wait any longer and this is ridiculous. I shouldn't be wasting my time. Lui glared and reminded me of the promise I made.

"I only promised Evan, not all of you. Now, if you guys aren't coming with me, then I'm going myself." I spat and froze time. I walked past the Lui that was about to speak. I opened the door and started heading to Calix Bud.

I entered the bar, it being quiet and a couple of drinks about to fall to the ground. A brawl about to begin - a guy holding a pipsqueak by his collar. I walked past them all, focusing on my mission. I place my hands on the table of the bar and glare into the eyes of my old friend. His green eyes filled with regret at his choice of a job and worrisome to the brawl that will happen when I unfreeze. He probably was paid to have Nanners take the basement. He needs it, but..

I shake my head and hop over the counter and flip Jack's hat. I open the hatch to the basement and climb down a little bit, then think to myself.
I shouldn't have left them like that..

I climb back up the metal ladder and take a piece of paper from Jack's mini notebook he had. Pages filled with orders. I begin to write the situation and everything starts playing in the world. The bar is loud and the crashing of glass begins. Jack doesn't notice me as he jumps over the bar to try and stop the brawl. I felt a shiver run down my spine. I thought I froze it. I shake my head and blink. I dash out of the bar and begin to run back to the house. I freeze time again. This power is weakening. M-My power is being conflicted.


After I quickly delivered the note I ran back. I've never felt so out of breath in my life. But this is for him. I climb down the ladder and walk lightly on my feet as I feel time begun to play again without my control. I walked through the anonymous hallway, the eerie feeling swept through me. My stomach turned as I placed my hand on the knife in my pocket.
My rage began to fill as the flashbacks of before began to play. This was reckless, but I didn't care. This was stupid, but it was a solution.

I open the metal door that stops my path. My eyes widened at the sight as I enter.


A/n: This chapter was very lazy and I apologize. I really do. I'm feel so bad too. >.< please forgive me I've been very busy and sick.. *sigh* drama left and right and more things happening.



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