Chapter 13: Beach Fun

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Song - Miss Jackson - Panic! At the Disco - Nightcore.
Play whenever you want ^.^

3rd POV:

All of the guys mainly chilled and hung out this week. Brian was it too. Today, they were heading to the beach. Jonathan felt a little better with Evan on his side, even if he was supposed to be the one protecting him. Evan though Evan didn't know the full truth of things, he saw that Jonathan was not okay. One night, Jonathan got up quickly and ran to the bathroom. Once Evan went to check on him his eyes were a glowing blue. Jonathan looked away and told him to leave. Evan understood and decided to leave him alone, but had a ton of questions in the morning.

"I'm fine, Evan. Don't worry about it." Jonathan acted as the two were behind the group, walking to the beach.

"Don't worry about it? I need to worry. I love you and I want to make sure you're okay. You've been very strange lately." Evan protested.

Jonathan just sighed and kept patience with Evan and didn't answer.

Evan just rolled his eyes as they finally made it.
The guys set up a spot. The beach was empty. Not a single person in sight. This meant the guys can do whatever they want. Evan pulled off his shirt as Jon stared. Evan smirked at this.

All the guys went to the water to swim, Evan was going to but saw an opportunity.

"Like what you see?" Evan flirted.

Jonathan was bright red under his mask. Only Evan could tell. Evan chuckled.

"Why don't you come in the water with us?" Evan put out a hand for Jonathan.

Jonathan was very insecure about hisself. He didn't want to take off his shirt.
Jonathan shook his head no, but Evan didn't take that answer. He grabbed Jonathan and pulled him up. He fought with Jon, trying to take off his shirt. Only Lui and David noticed and laughed.

Evan won and Jonathan blushed furiously.
"C'mon, I want to see your sexy bod." Evan whispered.

Jonathan just gave up and joined the guys.

Jonathan swam around and then suddenly stopped as his head started pounding. He closed his eyes and saw Evan in a blurry picture getting a cut on his leg. Then getting out with him to lay on the sand and help his wound. Then a scream.

Jonathan came back when Marcel tapped his shoulder.

"You alright, man?" He asked.

"Yeah.. I-I'm fine." Jonathan stuttered.

"Okay, well, you're it for splash tag!" Marcel then splashed Jon and went underwater to swim off.

Jon shook his head. His mask was all wet. He swam over to David and splashed him. Evan was the closets to David and tried to swim away faster, but his shin got cut by some plant.

"Shit!" Evan yelled.

"Time out!"

Jonathan swam over to Evan to see if he was okay and got a sudden Deja vu hit him. He shook it off and helped Evan to the shore.
He lay him down and looked at the bloody wound. Lui and David came to shore too to spy on them from a distance.

"You okay?" Jon asked.

"I am now, since you're here." Evan flirted.

Jonathan just rolled his eyes and bandaged his leg. Then Evan lifted Jon's mask and pulled him in for a kiss. Jonathan then out his hand on the other side of Evan and hovered over.
They were pulling on each other's lips and Jonathan arched his back each time.

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