A/n: DISCLAIMER ON 3/21/17

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Hello! So um.. it's been awhile.

Okay first off, be prepared for an explanation and "rant."

People do not seem to realize that this book is nearly 2 years old. When I legit had little experience of good writing lmao. This book makes me cringe tbh.
And I hate this book I've written. But I've kept it up because people want me to. So there.

Though, people seem to immediately assume that's what my writing is like now. I feel as if I've improved much better and more. I'm thankful for the support and everything, but people think that this book is still like "present" or continuing. And that annoys me.

Also, fan fiction is all about fiction. Although, characters must have correct characteristics for it to be so, not everything has to be exact. You choose what your characters are doing and make it flexible with what you want to do with it, so chill, people.

Please understand that this book is not something I'm proud of and would like you to understand that yes, this book is bad. Lmao

Thanks for reading this, see ya

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