Chapter 17: Trust

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(Picture of the beach I was at.. :))

Evan's POV:

We got good news from the hospital the next day. Craig was going to be fine. But Delirious hasn't shown up since yesterday. I'm starting to worry. Worry about where he is; if he's okay; what he's doing.
Then it occurred to me - out of the blue.
Can I really trust him?
Of course I could.. He's my best friend, my boyfriend, my lover.

I stepped in the living area, where all the guys were having a conversation about YouTube and the current events.

"People have been asking where we've been. What do we do? Say Mini got shot, psychopaths are after us, and Delirious is gone?! I don't think so." Wildcat boomed.

"No.. I mean, we could say we're all taking a vacation for awhile? This is why we're here."
Marcel suggested.

"Who has a good speaking voice?"

The group turned to me.

"Uh.. What?"

"You're good at talking, you do an explanation video for all our channels,"

"What? Me? I can't even do solo- lets plays. Why me?" I disagreed.

Brock nodded in agreement, "He is right. But people who are from Canada are nice, you'll let our fans down easy!" He joked.

"Fuck you.." I snickered.

Brock pretended to be scared and jumped,
"Well, most Canadians.."

"Well, you're missing one thing. I'm not Canadian. I'm CanAsian." I smirked.

Everyone laughed. I knew there was no way out of this, so I guess I'm filming it. But inside, I was breaking. I missed Delirious. I hope he's okay..


After I got done with the video I edited a few things and posted it on everyone's channel. All I said was that there was some tough times happening. And that we needed a break. I didn't say how long, because who knows how long it will be before we're back on our feet. Or when Delirious comes back...


I turn around to see who's at the door. It was Lui. I got up from my chair and went to sit on my bed. He joined me and we both were silent for a second. I kept looking down at the ground and frowned.

"So.. You and Delirious, huh?" He chuckled.

I just shrugged. Him, Mini, and Wildcat were the only ones that knew. It didn't really bother me that people knew, but it did for Delirious. I guess he wasn't ready. Or isn't..

"Yeah.. And?"

"I'm just worried,"

"Yeah, well, me too."

"Where do you think he ran off to?"

I let out a small huff, "Heck if I know.."

"I think you do, you just don't know yet. You're mad at him..aren't you?" He stared.

I never really thought I was mad. I mean, I wasn't mad. I guess I was just frustrated at the fact he lied to me. That he didn't trust me.

"I'm not mad, just.. Frustrated,"

"What about?"

"The way he lied. He didn't trust me. And now, I don't know if I can trust him,"

Lui didn't answer. I don't blame 'em. I'd be silent after that, too.

"Lui, what do I do?" I ask.

"We can go look around for him,"


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