Chapter 7: The Truth

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A/N So, I'm writing this on my laptop. If there are any errors I'm sorry XD. I'm grounded from my phone so I get to use the laptop instead, which I don't mind, I was just scared I wasn't going to be able to update today and everyone would freak out.So this chapter will be short. I like writing this book daily so it gives you something to read. So, I can be there to make your day. It hurts me to know that if you're having a bad day and I'm not there to fix it. Anyway, enough blabbing. Enjoy chapter 7.

Jonathan's POV:

I woke up catching my breath. I couldn't breathe. I had the same nightmare. I needed someone to talk to about this, someone other than Evan. I slow down my breathing and look around the room. My phone buzzed and I picked it up. It was a text from Lui.

Lui: Hey, man. Are you okay? You haven't been tweeting lately. No one knows what's going on, other than Evan being with you and Luke. Where's Luke?

This broke my heart, no one knew.. I think it's time people knew about Cartoonz. I think I'm ready now.

Me: I'm sorry. I've just been busy lately. I'll post why on my twitter, keep a look out for that. Thanks for checking in on me.

I exited out of the text and open Twitter. There were many notifications, but I ignored them all, knowing they're questions on where I've been.

I opened my profile.

"Hey, guys. Sorry I haven't posted lately. As you know VanossGaming is here with me for a reason. Cartoonz passed away four days ago.. Sorry..again. I hope you understand and may he rest in peace. Bye guys. :("

(Can't put an at sign.. :()

I tweeted that out and instantly there were retweets, comments, everything. I saw apologizes everywhere when they didn't need to apologize. I appreciated it all and then I saw Evan's.

"Rest in peace Cartoonz. May your spirit look upon Delirious! :)" 

It warmed my heart, until I heard a familiar voice in my head.

'I will.'

You're back! Where'd you go?

'I can't talk to you all the time.. only certain times. But like I said.. certain times.. I must go. Sorry.'

Already? Don't go!

And there were no words after that. I felt tears threaten my eyes as I thought of the nightmare again. Evan suddenly walked in. He saw my weakness and sat down on my bed next to me. I remembered something as Evan rubbed my back. My risk had to be done now. I can't hold in everything. I can't depend on Cartoonz showing up. I looked at his chocolate brown eyes. I pulled him into a big hug. He hesitated at first, but gave in.

Evan's POV:

As Jonathan hugged me, I felt sparks fly. I loved touching him, being with him. I can't think of a world without him. I know for sure that I love him. Soon, sadly, the hug ended and we pulled away. He looked down then back at me.

"Listen, I think it's time I show and tell you something." Jonathan spoke.

I nodded slowly. Then he began his story.

"In college I always got bullied. Hence the reason I wear this mask now. But..I met Cartoonz. He helped me through thick and thin. may not believe me, but..Luke..He's here, in my head. Along with another voice I don't know of. Lately, I've been having nightmares.. and I can only trust you. You are the closest person I have to Cartoonz. So I think I can show you what's under here..but you can take it off.." Jonathan finished and picked up my hand to his mask.

He was actually letting me do this?

"Y-You're sure about this?" I stutter in shock.

He nodded. I slowly lifted his mask, then all the way off and set it in his lap. What I saw was utter beauty. He had freckles here and there, his baby blue eyes sparkled even more. There were two scars that made him look absolutely sexy as fuck. One by his eyebrow and on his bottom lip. He gave me a small grin as I gazed upon his beauty. Since, he showed me this..I can't hold back.

"Why would you hide this! You're beautiful!" I exclaimed grabbing his hands. He blushed, but I knew he didn't believe me as he did not make eye contact with me.

I then put my finger on his chin, turning his face to me. We stared for awhile. Not even acknowledging the world around us. I closed my eyes and leaned in. I soon met his soft lips with my chapped ones.

Jonathan's POV:

My eyes widened as our lips touched. His eyes were closed. Evan Fong liked me. I soon titled my head and closed my eyes. I leaned in even more, kissing him passionately. We soon got out of breath and pulled away panting.

"T-That was..-" I began to say.

"Amazing? Yeah.." Evan finished laughing a bit.

"I love you, Evan..I-I.." 

"I love you too, Jonathan.."

We kissed again, but a bit more rough. Evan licked the bottom of my lip for an entrance, but I refused. I smirked during the kiss and Evan kept trying while I made it into a game. We pulled away and pulled for an embrace.

"So..are we..H2OVanoss..The ship has sailed?" I joked.

He nodded his head and pecked my lips.

"How about we go on a date tomorrow, boyfriend." Evan chuckled.

"I'd like that..boyfriend.."

We both laughed and continued to kiss. The rest of the day Evan and I made videos with the others. Not saying a word about what happened earlier, but smiled each time the guys joked about it. Even though, the guys didn't know it was now true.


Not all I wanted to write today, but it's all I have time for..I'm so sorry I have a short chapter.. Not one of my bests.. Tomorrow's shall be better! Bye bye!

The ship has sailed! <3 :3


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