Chapter 28: Another Worry

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Monster - Skillet
Play *•* <--- when you see that.

Jonathan's POV:

Every thing was peaceful. Great, fantastic. We just stopped filming a video for tomorrow. Evan and I are always cuddling and having lovey dovey moments every second. But there was always something in my gut that made me feel..odd..then flashes every time I blink. I shook it off each time and spend my time with my love. But..there's one thing that happens each night, nightmares of the day I got shot, except..I wasn't the only one who got shot. Evan did too. Only, he doesn't care about the pain he must be feeling, he's hovering over me, tears in his eyes. Then the dream ends with another gun shot and his face, his laugh.
I always wake up in a cold sweat, and to Evan's worried face. I am snapped out of my thoughts when Evan pecks my lips.

"You gonna eat?" He says, sitting across from me.

I shake my head and look down at the plate, I didn't even know he set it down earlier. The meal didn't look appealing to me, even though it was my favorite. He raised an eyebrow at my long pause.

"Um, I'm not that hungry," I scratched my head.

"Really? You were whining earlier about being hungry.." Evan giggled.

"I was..just doing it to be funny.." I smiled a fake smile.

"Oh, okay.." He shook his head, "something on your mind?"

Should I tell him?
I mean, we're tell each other everything..but would he understand this? He most likely say not to worry about it, maybe I should do just that.

"Good, keep the fear inside you, he'll only make it worse.."

You're back? Haven't heard you're voice in a while, bitch..

"Wow, harsh. I was hoping for a welcome back party, oh well, looks like we can't always get what we want.. Just like now.."

I swear to go if you don't shut up-

"What will you do? I'm in your mind and can do so much to it.."

Please, shut up. Better?

"Heh, I suppose.."

"Jon?" Evan says waving his hand in front of me.

I blink and stare at him, "Huh? What was the question?"

He sighs and gets up with my plate, putting it in a bowl. He then takes my hand, pulling me to our room. We both sat down, hands still together.

"Something's wrong. I know there's something you want to tell me, but can't. I know those looks. Besides, these nightmares you've been having, spacing out, yelling in your sleep. I'm getting so worried," he says, his chocolate brown eyes wide.

I sigh and stare down at our intertwined fingers, "I- Evan, I don't even know. I think I just haven't been getting much sleep. Don't worry about me, babe. I'm fine," I say, pretty much lying to him..but the one thing that was true was I didn't know what was going on.

"If you say so, love," he caresses my cheek,
"I love you."

I smile and take his hand, "I love you too, Evy."
and peck his soft lips..but..when I touched his lips.. I quickly pulled away. Red. Red was all I saw and his face. I start to pant, trying to catch my breath. It scared me. Evan reached out for me as I got up and tripped, falling on the ground. I couldn't breathe. I felt Evan's warm arms comfort me. I couldn't hold in the mysteries tears that were streaming down my face. Why him? Why Adam Mota..? The devil.. He's..he's fooling with me.. He's doing something..
After a while of crying I stopped a second.. Adam..he..
I start to feel myself giggle. Evan pulled away.
I turned to him and back at the door. I bottled out the door. I grabbed a knife....a-a knife.. I heard Evan's voice calling for me. I-I felt as if I was being taking over. I..ran out the door. I ran as fast as my legs could carried me and found myself at a small park, the one Evan and I went to. It wasn't crowded.. I grabbed someone and pulled them. They screamed, but I didn't care.

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