Chapter 3: Voices & Depression

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(Trigger warning for those who can't handle deep depression like such. :))

Jonathan's POV:


'Yep, it's me..'

W-wha- how are you?

I sit on my bed with tears in my eyes.

'I'm your guardian angel.. Don't ask how or why, just go with it. I don't know what I'm here for, but at least I can still be with you.'

I-I can't believe it..

'Well, neither can I..but Evan's waiting for you..'

I snap out of my thoughts and stand up. Cartoonz was with me.. I'm glad, but for what reason. Though, Luke wasn't with me physically..which made me want to cry all over again.

I walk into the living room and see that Evan had everything set up. I walk and sit down on the couch as Evan grabs the bowl of popcorn and soda. He sits down next to me and set down the popcorn and soda.

"Hey, Evan..Thanks.." I say quietly. He looks up and me, and gives me a warm smile.

His smile made everything in the world shine. I liked Evan, I knew now.

"No, problem," His beautiful chocolate brown eyes left mine and onto the TV. Everything about Evan was perfect, from his black spikey hair to his beautiful tanned skin.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" He asks as he flips through things.

"Um..I don't care, I guess just nothing sad.."
I pull up my legs to be criss cross.

"Wasn't planning on it." He sighed.

He scrolled past a movie I forgot was on Netflix and I stopped him.

"That one!"

"This one?" He asks pointing at the movie.

"Yeah, I mean..I'm not a big horror movie fan..but I wanna see it." I smiled.

He grinned and laughed.

"Well, I guess we're watching Poltergeist." He clicked on the movie and I pulled the blanket up.

I felt the blanket tug back, leaving me with nothing. I shot a playful glare at Evan. He didn't notice. I tug the blanket back and looks down then at me. He smirked and then it turned into a game. I won. We ended up sharing it anyway.

Evan jumped and a few jump scares, I didn't really I expected them to come.

"It's not even that scary.." I groaned.

"Are you kidding me? I jumped like ten times!" He protested.

"That's 'cause you're a baby..-" But as I said that, a loud shriek made me scream. It was from the movie. Evan started to laugh.

"W-Who's the baby now? Hahaha!" He managed to get out, out of breath from laughing.

"Hey! It caught me off guard!" I complained. It really did.

"Ahh, don't worry, Del. I'm always here for you." He smiled and the movie ended.

I blushed under my mask. Tonight got my mind off of a lot of things. I'm glad for Evan always being there.

I let out a small yawn, signaling I was tired. Evan yawned too. (Causing me to yawn too! XD) I slowly got up and started helping Evan clean up the mess.

After I told Evan goodnight and went off to bed, he did the same. I lay down in my dark room, not even bothering to take off my mask, I had to get used to sleeping with it. I slowly started drifting to sleep.

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