Chapter 18: Fire

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Evan's POV:

I woke up from another nightmare. I've been getting these lately. It's been a week. Delirious still isn't back yet. I feel stupid and broken. How could I not know where he was? The only thing that was good about this week, was Craig coming home. Tyler and Craig didn't even bother to hide their love anymore. It was nice to hear. Though it reminded me of Jon an I. Maybe, if he comes back, he'll be more open about us. I sigh and stare at the ceiling of our room. I suddenly hear a squeaker walk in,

"Hey, Evan," he gave me a small smile. I glance at him and look back up. He sat down next to me. I sit up and keep my eyes down.

"How are you feeling?"

I scrunched up my nose, "Other than pure shit?  Just dandy.."

He rubbed my leg and sighed, "I don't need the tone. Just talk to me,"

I sigh too and realize that Lui was the only one to come to me and make me open up. He was the only one I could open up to besides Jonathan.

"It's been a week. What if.." I hesitate to say this, "What if he's lost, or kidnapped, or even worse.. Dead?"

Lui stopped rubbing my leg and looked away.

"I don't know, I'm sure he's okay. He's Delirious. No one fucks with him," he chuckles, trying to make me feel better.
I gave him a weak smile.

"Yeah.. I just feel so broken without him. He's a raging fire that doesn't have the calming water. But it's ironic. He is H2O. Yet he's not the water." I snort at the end.

Lui gave me a genuine smile and got up,

"Well, the guys are wanting to go to that park we went to a few weeks ago, wanna come?"

I thought about it for a moment. Even if the place held the happy memories I didn't want to remember, I needed to get out.


"Sweet! Nogla promised me gummy bears!" Lui said in his squeaker voice.

I lightly chuckled and got up to follow him out.


We made it to the park and the guys brought a football. Like last time. I didn't have a basket of food this time, but I walked up the hill, as if he was right there beside me. I sat down, leaving on the tree. I turned and looked at the bark of the tree. I saw a stick on the ground next to me, I pick it up and carve a heart. I put a E in it and a plus. But I didn't add J. I left it for when he'd be here with me. I sigh and lean back against the tree, once again. I watched the guys tackle each other and laughing. I looked up at the clouds and saw them slowly move across the blue sky. The sky reminded me of his eyes. Sky blue, sparkly, full of excitement.
I missed those eyes. I sniffed a little, realizing I was now crying. I wiped the tear that slipped. I rubbed my eyes and decided to rest my eyes. I felt the grass tickle my arms as the breeze of the wind went by. I breathe in the crisp clean air. I felt the warm heat heat of the sun hit my chest. But this warmth wasn't the same as the one I missed dearly. I slowly felt myself start to grow tired. A small nap wouldn't hurt, would it? Too late...


I groan and wake up to the hill I fell asleep on. Except it wasn't day, it was night. A cool night. I ran my hand through the crisp grass. I looked up at the beautiful night sky. Stars and the moon were all I could see.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I hear a raspy voice say behind me.

I turn and see the tree, nothing else.

"It's a shame that the one you want isn't with you," I heard the voice again, only this time it was to my right. I turn. Nothing.

"Just you wait, it'll all come around soon. I'm sure you miss him. He misses you too. All will come in time," I turn to my left and see the figure.

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