Chapter 20: Payback

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Song - When I See You Again Play when you see *•*
(Earlier)3rd POV:

"It's good to have an extra hand around here, I must say," Nanners continued, circling around the chair Jonathan was tied up in, "since Delirious has taken what's his."

Jonathan gritted his teeth and struggled.
"I wouldn't even try, Jonathan. Why would you want to leave anyway? You're the one who came to us, right?" He put his finger on his chin and lifted it up, forcing him to stare into his eyes.

"Now, why is it you came to us.." Another voice sneered as he walked up behind Nanners.

"Oh, Anthony, don't you know? It's pretty obvious. You remember what we told him. He believed it." Nanners turned to him.

"Heh, gullible, bastard," Chilled snickered.

"Gullible indeed, Anthony. But you know why he did it right?" Chilled playfully shrugged as if he didn't know.

"He did it for his lover, how ironic," Nanners smiled and looked at Chilled.

Ironic? Jonathan thought.

"Ironic? How is that ironic?" Jonathan snapped.

"Ah-ah-ah! Watch the tone. It's ironic because I'm doing the same, but opposite. Isn't that right Chilly Willy?" Nanners pulled Chiled into an embrace and caressed his cheek. Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows at them.

"That's right my banana man," he giggled and kissed his lips.

Jonathan felt like breaking down into tears at the sight, he missed Evan. But he felt too much rage to even try. They giggled with delight at Jonathan's pain.
"Why do you need me.." Jonathan said, not even asking in a question sort of tone.

Nanners put his hands on the table next to him and leaned on it, "Simple, we need you to do some deeds. We need revenge on some people and your our man to kill them,"

"What makes you think I'd do that?"
"Oh, you won't be doing it. He will."
Jonathan's eyes widened and he started wiggling in his chair more. Wanting to punch the shit out of Adam.

"I think this little man needs to learn a lesson, want to do the honors, Chilled?" Nanners smiled at him. Anthony grinned, "With pleasure."

Nanners left the room and Chilled picked up the whip.


Evan and the guys were ready to go. They didn't have much, but they knew they had to do whatever it takes. They told Brock and Brian to stay a little far behind, they were there for backup. They pulled up the two cars and few blocks away from the abandoned house. Evan kept trailing behind the guys. Of course he was scared, he was terrified. What could be the possibilities of his lover already being dead? Or this mission succeeding? Tyler noticed Evan's worried look. He slowed down to catch up with Evan to talk,
"Don't worry, we've got the police comin'. We're not completely alone." He reassured Evan.

Evan shrugged and let out a sigh, "I guess, I'm just thinking too much, I suppose.."

"You are.. But it'll be alright, come on, let's catch up with the guys. We're close," Tyler motioned his hand and walked faster. Evan did too as they approached the house.

It was old and looked like it was going to fall apart in a matter of minutes. They couldn't have been in there. There must be another place. Evan though about this. Maybe there was a basement.

"Guys, that's not possible for them to be in an unstable place like this. There's gotta be another way," Evan mentioned.

The guys agreed and started looking all around the house. Soon, someone found something and hollered, "Guys! Over here!" In a famous squeaker voice.

They all jogged over to where Lui was and saw a door that lead under ground. They looked at each other and all took in a deep breath, slowly opening the door. They crept sneakily down the stairs. There was no one to be seen so far. No one holding them back.

They made it down with no noise, they were ninjas. This reminded Evan of GTA and how he'd always sneak around to try and find a way to kill Delirious, but this time he was saving him. Suddenly, they all froze when they heard a scream of pain, "AGH!... Fuck you, Chilled!"
Jonathan. "J-Jonathan..!" Evan shouted, but not loud enough for anyone to hear, just the guys.
Evan heard him yelp again and started running towards the shouts of pain. "Evan! Wait!" David shouted to him, but he didn't listen and kept running.


He made it to the source and leaned against the door to hear.
"Too bad no ones here to save you, they obviously don't love you,"
"T-They do. I know they do."
"Heh, you wish. Especially little Evan. It's all pity. Ever since Cartoonz died he's doing it out of pity. Don't think we don't know that."
"How did you-"
"We know. Now shut up!"
Evan started to tear up. But quickly strengthened up. He saw the guys run up behind him waiting for the go. Evan put his finger to his lips, making the sign for them to be quiet. Evan held out his hand for them to stay as he opened the door, quietly. He crouched and walked slowly. He soon saw a man in a plaid shirt standing in front of something. He got a better view and saw the man holding a bloody knife. Then he saw it. He was tied up and bleeding, looking as weak as ever like he was going to pass out. His mask was on the table with tools, all scratched up and covered in blood. Evan started creeping behind the man. He pulled out his knife and stabbed his stomach. Evan's never done this before, he hesitated before doing it. He almost wanted to barf at the sight. But felt pleasure at doing this. The man fell to the ground and started coughing up blood. Jonathan looked up dizzy and could barely see his lover. Jonathan gave him a very weak smile. His face full of scratched and cuts. He had a black eye starting to swell even bigger. His scars were now cuts again. His shirt was ripped and blood dripping down his skin. Evan wanted to cry, but there was no time. They needed to leave. Evan started untying the ropes.

"You... You came for me.. You found me.." Jonathan managed to say.

"I'll always come for you, I love you Jonathan."
Evan said getting up. Jonathan felt a little mad. But he shook it off and rubbed his wrists. Evan helped him up and wrapped his arm around his shoulder to help support him. Until he heard a click. He turned and saw a gun pointing at his forehead.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Nanners smirked.

"Leave us alone, Nanners!" Evan shouted, not even scared of the gun that was pointing to his face.

"Not scared, huh? Well, what if I do this.." Nanners pointed it at Jonathan's half awake face. Evan still grinned.

"Still grinning? Oh, right, you think you have back up. Oh, boys!"

Evan quickly frowned and turned to the door. Out came the guys being held by Nanners men.
"We're sorry, Evan.." Craig said and was thrown to the floor. Along with the others.

"It's okay..." Evan whispered for him to hear.
"Now, who should be first? Hmm.." He sing songed.

He paced around the room, gun behind his back. Evan thought it was over, but he realized something. He heard the sounds. The sirens.


"Now who ruined the party by calling the police?" Nanners whined, "Looks like I need to give out the favors before we leave."
And just like that, Evans world stopped as the loud bang hit someone. It didn't hit him, but close to him. He looked over and saw Jonathan's eyes widen. He fell out of his grasp and collapsed to the ground.

"Have fun now!" Was all Nanners said before he ran off, along with his men.

Evan kneeled down and picked up Jonathan, who was coughing up blood, struggling to breathe.

"It's gonna be okay.. It's gonna be okay, Jonathan. The police are here and I'm sure there are paramedics.. It's gonna be.." Evan sobbed.

Jonathan used all of his strength to wipe the tear that rolled down from Evan's face,
"I love you...."
"I love you, too."

"Jonathan.. Jonathan!" Evan started to shout. He wasn't coughing or breathing.


Soon the paramedics dragged Evan away and picked up Jonathan.

His lover.. His lover was dead.. Or so he thought..



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