Chapter 42: Evan

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Evan's POV:

I smirk at Jonathan. His eyes widen as he tackles me over the bed. I cough and laugh. I clutch my stomach in pain. He gets off and holds my hand.

"S-Sorry.. I- Oh.. Evan.." He hugged me again, only gentle this time. I hugged back and kissed his cheek.

"You're okay..?" I ask, "I don't really remember what happened.."

"Y-Yeah.. Speaking of- you know what.. I won't yell at you for that.. I'm just glad you're awake," he paused and pecked my lips, "just know that.. I love you.."

He up and let's go of my hand, "I'm going to get the doctor, be right back, babe.."

I watch him leave as I'm left to my thoughts. I'm glad I'm okay myself. I don't know what I was thinking. Jumping in front of the bullet. Is Adam still alive? And Jonathan's rampage..? D-Delirious..

I shake my head and uncover the blanket and lift up my gown. Reminding myself I'm only in my boxers. I look at the huge patch on my stomach. Dried blood on it, it seems. I trace my fingers over it and feel a sharp pain and squirm. It's real tender.

"Careful, don't want to disturb the injury or make it worse. It's still tender,"

I look up and pull my gown down to see Jon and the Doctor.

He walks over and does a small check up on me. I was a bit uncomfortable when he kept touching me, even though that's what doctors are supposed to do, it always freaked me out, even when I was a child.

"Your heart rate is fine, along with your blood pressure. The only thing about the injury is that you'll need to take it easy for a couple of days. And eat slowly, very little. Or you'll end up having it back out or make the injury worse." He writes on the paper on his clipboard. I'm sure he wasn't just taking to me, as he kept glancing at Jonathan.

"So your care-taker will have to feed you as well. Sitting up, walking, and all of that will be needed of assistance. We can have a wheelchair for you until your stomach heals more, from then on we'll see from there," he continues, "We'll keep you here for one more day to be on the safe side, but other than that, you're good to leave by 3:00 p.m. tomorrow!"

I smile lightly and so does Jonathan. He thanks him and the doctor leaves. Some of the guys then come in after.

"How are you feeling, Ev?" Tyler sits down next to me.

"Good.." I sigh. I then remember Marcel, what happened to him..?

"M-Marcel..- is he okay?" I stutter.

"Yeah, he's good and healthy!" Scott smiles.

I relax a bit and see that everyone has accepted Scott. The questions still pop in my head. It may be a bad time to ask considering it's a good moment for everyone that I'm up, but I have to know..

"S-So what happened to A-Adam?" I noticed I was a bit shaky still, most likely from the weird small pain.

"W-Well.. Ahem.. Um.." David coughed.

I raise an eyebrow as everyone was silent and glancing at Jonathan.
Jonathan puts his hands across his chest, "W-What?!"

"You can tell him," Craig scoffed.

Jonathan stiffens and shrugs.
Lui rolled his eyes, "Guys, that's just cruel.. Listen Evan," Lui continues and him and Tyler switch seats.

"Jonathan killed him right after. He froze time trying to stop the possibility of you getting shot, but it wasn't possible for him to. So he went begin Adam and killed him. Simone was shot by Adam earlier." Lui explained.

"I remember Simone.. Wow.. S-So he's dead?" I murmur.

Everyone nodded.
"Wow.." I repeat.

"You should gets some more rest Evan, we'll leave you be." Brock took a hold of Brian's hand and gestured for them to leave as well.

I smile and nod, laying back and feeling my eyelids begin to feel heavy.

I watch the trees pass by, covered in snow. The sun peering through them. I look over at my lover driving. His hands firm on the wheel and eyes darting the road. And that furrow in his eyebrows when he concentrates. I missed this. A relaxing drive. It was rather cold out. I then remember the month. December.

"I missed Christmas?" I say.

Jonathan snorts, "Yeah, unfortunately.."

"Damn.. I had a special gift I wanted give you, but suppose it doesn't have to be given on a holiday," I giggle at the thought.

He raised an eyebrow, eyes still on the road. "What are you giggling about over there?"

"Oh, nothing.."

The car became silent again.
I felt the familiar warmth again, whenever I'm with him. The smile that stays on my face. The urge to kiss him.
We haven't had a normal day in what seems like forever.. Whatever normal is, seems as if I forgot the definition of normal, the meaning of it. The YouTube life has slipped away from us as well, I feel awful for that, that pops a question to mind that I say aloud.

"What about our fans? YouTube? What do we say? We've been gone forever.."

"I've been keeping track, don't worry.
I found some old footage for you and uploaded to make it look we were all still active." He replied.

"Do we tell them?"

"I don't think that's such a good idea. This is a really personal subject. I love our fans, but we need our privacy and personal space,"

He had a point.

"Yeah, but what about us? Could they know about us?" I rest my head on my hand.

He paused and pursed his lips, "I don't know.. Maybe."

"How come you're so hesitant about it?"

"I'd rather not talk about it, Evan, okay?"



Jonathan helped me inside the house and sit on the bed. He lays next to me and we cuddle close. I watched his blue eyes look up and down at my body.
I place my hand on his chin and pull him into a kiss. A kiss I've longed for awhile. A kiss that I haven't had in what seems like a million years.
I pull away and smile. He does too.

He puts his arm around me and I lay on his chest. I couldn't even begin to describe my feelings. The warmth, the safety, the happiness, the familiar rosy cheeks I stare at, the familiar blue eyes I get lost in, the soft lips I kiss.

"I can't believe he's dead.." I mention.

"Yeah, but Evan.." He continues, "this is a start to a new beginning, a new, better chapter..and I'm glad your here.."

He was right it was a beginning to our new life..


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