Chapter 40: Delirious

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Song: Control - Halsey play whenever.

Evan's POV:

My heart raced at the cold blade threatening my skin. I swallowed hard and continued to stare at Jonathan. His head was down and his eyes wide open. He was in deep thought, I could tell, but this deep thought was deeper than others as I saw a sweat bead crawl down his cheek. Granted, it was already hot in here, humid at the least. I glance at Marcel. I grit my teeth at Simone's evil grin as she scratched his arms with her long nails, near to drawing blood - piercing his skin. I then am forced to face the bearded Mexican known as Gassy or Max, as his hand holds my chin, squeezing my cheeks.

"You know, you aren't bad lookin', Mr. Vanoss. I could kiss you if the boss and I weren't together," he smiles, I remain silent, wanting to spit on him.

"Where shall I start with you..-" he begins but it cut off by Nanners approaching him and whispers something in his ear. I look over and see Jonathan still in a frozen state.

"Babe, I didn't know you were into that? But sounds fun to me.. A little suffering for both," Max replies as Adam devilishly smirks.

I look down and close my eyes to breathe and try to stay calm.

The other guys should be coming. They should suspect something by now.. But where are they? Why this long?

My thoughts are interrupted by a cold hand going up my shirt. I jump and my eyes widened as they meet with a smirk plastered on the bearded man.

"Feel good?"

I growl, "Fuck.. You..!"

He begins to caress my chest and his fingers would brush over my nipples. He then furiously grabbed my bulge and squeezed it. I squished my face and tried so hard not to scream or anything. I was disgusted. I wanted to burst into tears. I wanted to hug Jonathan so bad. This was all disgusting and any other word that can describe fucked up.

I tensed up as he continued to violate me. I finally spit on his face. He stopped and glared at me.

"Good boys don't do that, Evan.. Now that should be punished. I know exactly what to use," he pointed a finger at me and pulled out his knife he had before. He then ripped my white, damp shirt open and slowly cut my skin, not deep, but enough to sting. I hissed at how slow he was going. "You gonna listen now?"

I didn't answer, I just glared at him.
"Lemme try this again," he cut again and again and again, each worse than the last, stinging.
"Are you gonna listen?"

I kept my mouth shut.
I noted Jonathan was staring at my pain the whole time, the rage was in his eyes from the things Max did to me and the pain he's causing.
I was shaky as I stared at him, after each cut his blue eyes kept me calm. Suddenly, Max stopped and followed my stare.

"Oh, I got it.." Max let out a hefty laugh.

"Adam, can you maybe.. You know.."

Adam looked at Max, Jonathan, then me.
"Oh.. Yes.. Of course, of course. Smart thinking, my love!" He smirked.

He walked over to Jonathan and cut through his shirt, Jonathan let out a hiss and a growl of pain. I saw the blood drip through his shirt and down his chest. I cried, "L-Leave him alone!"

"Are you going to listen then?" Max turned to me.

I glanced back and forth between the two.
I then kept my eyes on Jonathan, a threatening knife to his neck led by Adam.

"Y-Yes.." I gulped.

"Shut it, clown!"

"It's fine.." I smiled weakly at Jonathan.

He shook his head.


Jonathan's POV:

I began to shake in the chair. I was weak from all the cuts and hits I've taken, even though Evan was listening to Max. I felt my eyes begin to droop. No.. Stay awake.

You need me right now, face it. You really want to sit here in pain, watch yourself get hurt, watch Marcel get hurt.. Watch Evan get hurt?

You're right..

As much as I wanted to argue. I needed to do this. I let my eyes shut and darkness filled me. I fell into a dream as I walked through a dark room with a single spotlight. A masked maniac stood in it. Blood stains covered him head to toe. I approached him and he stuck out a hand and a evil smirk. I bit my lip and began to run through everything of what I was doing. This is right. I need to. I shook his hand and felt myself slip away as something else filled my heart with pain.


3rd POV:

The no longer Jonathan smirked as he was sitting in the chair, his hair covered his eyes.
He began to giggle to himself.

"What's so funny, Mr. Delirious? Oh, is it time? This soon? Well, then.." Adam smiled.

"I'm giving you five seconds to run with your lover.. Before I kill you both," He snickered.

Adam scoffed, "Bring it, Delirious, let's see how much you've improved.. Go on."

Evan worriedly looked in his direction. He knew this wasn't going to end well for either of them.

Delirious broke free with the knife he had in his pocket when he first came into the place, that they did not confiscate. He attacked Adam as they rolled on the ground, both trying to stab each other and both defending.

Max ran over and pulled Delirious off, helping Adam up, but Delirious punched Max, stabbing him as well. Adam twitched his head and his eyes filled with rage. "You just stab everyone I love, don't you?"

"And you kidnap and torture everything I love. If I were you, I'd surrender before anything else happens.." Delirious remarked.

Evan struggled to try and find a way out as Simon pushed Adam aside to help. Simone blocked the punches and same went off Delirious, eventually, he picked her up and threw her to Adam. She landed on top of Adam, causing him to throw her off and stab her.

"She was no use anyway.." He said.

Scott froze and looked at the beaten Marcel. He untied him and helped him up. "I'm so sorry.. I'm so sorry, Marcel.." He cried into his shoulder as Marcel held him weakly.
"Don't worry about it right now.. Just.. Agh.. Help me out here, we need to help Evan and Jonathan- er Delirious.." Marcel hushed him.
Scott nodded and helped patch up Marcel. They snuck by Adam and Delirious fighting to set Evan free. Evan coughed and held his bloody chest. It was more serious than anyone thought. Deeper than what he felt.

Meanwhile with Delirious and Adam, they were full of cuts and scratches. But nobody was giving up. Each putting up a fight. Adam then pushed Delirious, forcing him to hit the wall and fall hard to the ground. He coughed and tried to move as Adam pulled out a gun. The same gun he used on him. He slowly walked up to him and pointed it at him.

"This time, I'll kill you permanently.." He smirked, "Any last words?"

Delirious gritted his teeth and struggled to move. His arm was numb and in excruciating pain. Adam laughed, "Guess not.."


"Evan! NOO!"

So.. Hi.. The books coming to an end you guys.. Can you believe it? I think I'll end it at 45. :3 of course having a prologue and what not.

Please don't kill me.. Take Table~Chan not me..


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