Chapter 23: Sick Of Love

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Song - Lovesick Fool - The Cab
Play when you see *•*.
(Play from separate device if possible :))

Evan's POV:

When we got back to the house, we tried showing Delirious some things he would remember. But I guess they weren't strong enough. Apparently, he remembers Luke's death, but nothing before or after. He doesn't remember being a YouTuber, he doesn't remember the relations with the guys or me, he doesn't remember the incident, he doesn't remember who he is..
I always pry each day and try to get him back. But all he does is tell me to fuck off. It hurts. He hates me. He's so mean now. I rested my head on the table in the dinning area. I wanted to break down in tears. I always told myself that when he wakes up, I was going to kiss him, love him. I can't even hug him.

I suddenly heard footsteps enter the room and sit down next to me. I didn't even bother to look up to see who it is.

"You wanna talk, buddy?" I heard the familiar voice.


I look up, my eyes probably red.
He gives me a sad look and stands up, putting his hand out for me to grab. I took it and followed him upstairs into his room, where the rest of the guys were. I already knew what was coming. He shut the door behind him and sat down on the bed with Craig. I just leaned on the wall.

It was silent until Tyler spoke,
"Now, we all know that this month has been really hectic and complete shit..and our best friend doesn't even remember us and is treating us like complete shit, but we need to come to an agreement on something," he continued, "it's been a month already and we have half of a month to go, not even. If things don't go back to normal soon, should we just stay here longer until things are better?"

"I think that'd be best. Not even just for Jonathan, for all of us. A long vacation from reality itself would be nice, not just from YouTube," Marcel added on to Tyler's question.

The guys nodded in agreement. I just sighed and went along with it.

"Are we done here, then?" I ask, annoyed.

"Yeah, I suppose. Just don't do anything stupid okay, Evan?" They all said, in different ways.

I nodded and pushed myself off the wall and left. I went into my room, which Jonathan had his own now, and plopped on the bed. I didn't lie down, I just sat there and looked around. I looked over in the corner and forgot I brought this with me. I walked over and grabbed it, then sat back down and started strumming a few things.

Maybe I should record something? No. Well, I could, but I just won't post it.. No.. I..
No.. Maybe some other time..

I stopped strumming, when I heard someone come in my room. It was a face I least wanted to see right now, but so desperately wanted back. He walked over with that stupid mask and sat down. I raised an eyebrow at him. I saw through the holes of his mask, his eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes I get lost in. I set the guitar to the side and faced him.

"So, you're names Vanoss, right?" He asked.

"Or Evan, but yeah. We used to be best friends," I mumbled the end.

"I certainly don't see how," he sneered.

"We're so different,"


He just snickered and shook his head, not even answering the question. But his eyes. I got lost in them again as I started to lean in. I started to lift his mask to his lips, as he froze. I leaned in more, inches away from touching.

"Uh, what the fuck? Get the fuck away from me you weirdo!" He snapped and pushed me, running out of the room.

That... That's what made everything crash. That's what made everything I once loved, die. That's what made me feel like an idiot.
I sat up and grabbed the guitar again, strumming a few notes. Then singing to myself.

3rd POV:

"Who are you? You're looking like a stranger.
You were once my lover and my savior.
And now I'm left with nothing but your makeup..on my pillow.

"And I can't sleep, the pills they never help, tried counting sheep. Still hurts like hell, I can't believe this rose has lost its red and its pedals."

The guys all heard the argument from earlier and went upstairs to peak into Evan's room, making sure he's alright. And this is what they find.

"Who put that rock in your chest, won't you tell me? If I said I wished you the best, I was lying..."

The guys saw a distraught, depressed, broken, lovesick, Evan.

"Waking up just brings me down, down.
Cause every morning, you are no where to be found, no where to be found. And my bed is half empty not half full. I'd rather live with broken bones, than lay here all on my own like a Lovesick Fool.."

The guys all felt bad for Evan and wanted to help, but they didn't know how. All they could do was wait, but Evan didn't want to wait for Jonathan to come around soon. He wanted him now. Evan started to sing louder, not knowing the guys were listening, not caring if they did hear.

"Where'd you go? You said you'd never leave me, all alone. My heart is barely beating. Like a ghost, you haunt me every day..that you're gone. I'm not the same, now something went missing. There's a cage, it feels like a prison. Here I'll stay, until you come back home, home."

The guys knew that this was not any song, this was a song that meant something to all of them. But mostly Evan.

"Who put that rock in your chest, won't you tell me? If I said I wished you the best, I was lying..

"Waking up just bring me down, down.
Cause every morning, you are no where to be found, no where to be found. And my bed is half empty not half full. I'd rather live with broken bones, than lay here all on my own like a Lovesick Fool. Am I a Lovesick Fool?"

No.. Evan thought.
He rethought that as he sung the next part.

He suddenly started singing and stopped strumming, on the verge of tears.

"Waking up just brings me down, down.
Cause every morning, you are no where to be found, no where to be found.."

The guys were on the verge of crying, too. The only thing that they didn't notice was someone else was listening too.

"Waking up just brings me down, down.
Cause every morning, you are no where to be found, no where to be found. And my bed is half empty not half full. I'd rather live with broken bones, than lay here all on my own like a Lovesick Fool. Like a Lovesick Fool..."

The one who made him feel this way.

"Like a Lovesick Fool.."

That started to remember his friends. His life. But not his relations with Evan. Just the friendship. Jonathan started to remember something's. Just not all.


I'm sorry, I just keep making you guys cry! Omg I'm horrible. Okay.. I'll let you in on a secret.. Jonathan remembers Evan and his friends, just not the part where Evan and him are together. He needs one more thing to bring him back.
Take a guess. ;)

And I finally got a chapter out! And it's not really shitty! XD well, maybe. Lol.
Anyway, hope all of you are having a good day. Cuz I am sick.. And being sick sucks.. And sickness can go live somewhere else.. Idk what I'm saying anymore..

But I want to say thank you for all the support and love you guys have for me and this book. I've never had any fans for anything, and I feel like your guys are apart of my family now. So, thank you. And btw, I love this song and band. Expect another song by them to pop up in a chapter in the future.. (Angel with a Shotgun.) that's all sayin'! I've said too much already!



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