Chapter 24: Jonathan?

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Song - Ride - SoMo ;)
Play at *•*! :)

Jonathan's POV:

I listened to Evan sing his song. It started to make things pop up here and there. I started remembering some things, but there was one thing I was trying to remember that wouldn't pop up. What was it? I sat down on my bed and started rubbing my head. I decided to forget about if for now, it's probably not important.

I walked over to my computer and wanted to get my mind off of things. I opened up YouTube and found my channel. I started watching some old videos on it.
I played with this creep?

"Delirious! You fuck!" He shouted.

"Leave me alone! Haha!"

"No, get your ass back here, lemme grab dat!"

"You ain't touchin' it!"

His character on Gmod caught up to mine and hit me with a crowbar.
"Ay! I said you ain't touchin'!"

"Ay? You're not Canadian, I am."

And we both started laughing.
This made me feel warm inside.
Then it hit me.



Evan's POV:

I sat there with my head in my knees, letting the tears flow. There's no use.
There's no fucking use.

I then heard a crack at my door. I looked up and my eyes widened. This was embarrassing to me, with my puffy face. He came in and sat down on my bed.

"Hi, Jonathan.. What do you need, want to insult me some more?" I cringed.

He shook his head. He then lifted his mask and took it off.

"J-Jonathan...?" I raise an eyebrow.

He set down the mask and got closer to me.
Then, before I knew it, his lips smashed into mine. I didn't give in. I froze. Then, slowly, I close my eyes and kissed back. This kiss was passionate, like the first.
He pulled away as we embraced.

"Jonathan! Y-You're back!" I exclaimed, tears coming down again.

"Yes, I am.. I'm so sorry.. For everything, leaving you..-" he began to say, but I cut him off.

"No. It's not your fault. I love you Jonathan. I don't care anymore. I want to tell the guys that we're together, I want to kiss you all over, I want to love you, I want you forever! I fucking love you!" I ranted and hugged him, crying into his shoulder. He comforted me.

"I love you, too. But Evan, I- you know what? Never mind."

I didn't think of it too much and nodded in his shoulder. I pulled away and started into those beautiful, sparkling blue eyes I've longed to see. I felt his warm hands caress my cheek and wipe away the stray tears.

"How about we go tell the guys the good news, eh?"

I giggled at this, "Sure,'re not Canadian.. I am,"


I texted all the guys to meet us at the bottom of the stair case. They all asked questions, but I didn't answer back. I held Delirious' hand and gazed at his eyes, then I realized something.

"You're not wearing your mask?"

He let out a smile and 'hmph', but not a bad one, "No, I'm not. I think it's time I step out of this she'll I'm hiding in. Don't you?"

I've never smiled so big in my life.
I nodded, "I do, also, I like this new Jonathan,"

He raised an eyebrow and chuckled,
"'New Jonathan'?"

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