Chapter 29: Marcel's 'Friend'

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Marcel's POV:

"It's not that bad, is it?" I asked, looking at the drawing I made.

Scott titled his head to the side, "Yeah, no. It's bad,"

I groaned in frustration. We were making a poster for Scott's campaign he was holding. It was donations for Children's Hospital. And he asked for my help. Since the Internet has been out in town for a week, we were stuck with this.

"Well, what am I supposed to do? You didn't give me any specifics!" I threw my hands in the air and spun once with my chair.

"I'm kidding, maybe a few touch ups here and there and it'll look great. I'm just teasing you, Marcel.." He chuckled.


He smiled at me while I just flushed red. He took the poster and started drawing some more with a pink marker, then a blue, then a red. He then picked up the poster and showed it to me, a grin plastered across his face, which made me giggle. He added, 'Your Donations Make The Future Possible!' and 'Free Food!'

"Free food?" I questioned with a laugh at the end.

"Yeah, people love food. So, we'll lure them in with this. And if they donate they get-..they get..." He paused for a moment to think, "A cookie!"

"A cookie? Who would bake us cookies? We are horrible at baking!"

"I'm not..well, I'm learning, but you're right.. Maybe Simone?"

I gave him a small grin, "I'm sure she won't mind. I can shoot her a text right now,"

"Yeah, you do it. It'd be weird for me, it's easier for me since you two are together."

I slowed down my texting in my phone and just shook my head, picking back up the pace.

"What?" I heard him say.

I hummed and continued, hitting 'send.'
"You hesitated,"

I felt a bead of sweat suddenly form and trickle down the side of my head. He deserves to know, but how? I lied and said, "W-What? No I didn't. I didn't hesitate,"

"Yeah you did, don't lie Marcel. I saw that sweat bead.." He pointed.

I wiped my head and nervously laughed, looking at my desk.

I sighed, "Simone and I.. We're still together, a sense? I don't know. We've been having some disagreements.. Loud disagreements.."

I turned to him as he started to roll up the poster, then putting a rubber band to hold it.

"What kind of disagreements?" He asked, sitting on my beanbag.

"Moving. She wants me to move to the UK with her, but..I'm just not ready, I suppose."

That wasn't the full truth. I didn't want to move because of Scotty. I didn't want to leave him. He's my best friend now and I can't think of being without him, or how I was fine before.
He shrugged and sighed, "I say just do what's best for you and for her. Why don't you want to move, anyway? I think it'd be cool,"

"Scott, you're my best friend and I don't want to leave you..-" I began to say, but he cut me off.

"Marcel, I know we're best friends, but if you move I'll be fine. Besides, we'd skype and play games like we do all the time. I don't want to get in the way of this, or stop you if you really want to go..but I do want you to stay.." He mumbled the end, thinking I didn't hear.

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