Chapter 46: One Last Hurrah!

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Evan's POV:

It's all been changing, changing in such a good way. A way that hasn't happened in a long time. Since the first time I met Jonathan, was the last big and good change. Now not having the stressful, life threatening events in our lives, it's relieved a lot of us.

I look over at Jonathan and continue to run my fingers through his hair and watch his steady breathing. The sun creeps in slowly through the window. I move my hand to Jon's arm and start to rub it. He starts to move and yawn. He was adorable. He rubbed his eyes, tiredly, and gave me a goofy smile.

"Morning, you goofball," I say, grinning.

He sits up and smiles back before replying, "Good morning, Evan.."

"You still tired?"
He blushes lightly before answering, "No, not entirely, I just don't want to move.."

I raise an eyebrow with confusion. Then start to chuckle at the realization and smirk lightly at Del.

"My ass hurts.." He whispers, loud enough for me to hear and I burst out with laughter.

He laughs as well and gets up. He puts on a t-shirt and jeans, already having boxers on after last night. I get up with him, but I wrap my arms around his waist and peck his neck. He smiled and brakes the embrace to leave the room and make breakfast. I dress myself and mess with my hair in the mirror. I exit my room and see Delirious has finished with breakfast. It was just cereal, but it was nice of him to just prepare it, even if we ran out of food and needed to go shopping. I take a seat and grab the spoon, shoving a spoonful of Honey Nut Cheerios in my mouth.
I notice Jonathan grinning like a ninny while looking at his phone. I rest my head on the back of my hand and stare at him.

"Whatcha' lookin' at there, Jon?" I say and purse my lips.

He looks up from his phone and covers his mouth, trying to hide his obvious smile and snorts here and there from giggling. I roll my eyes.

He finally lets go and answers with laughter, "The guys just sent me something funny, we're going to the park at three, if that's okay?"

I nod my head, "Yeah, of course. Picnic?"


"Alright. We'd better go to the store if we want that food."

Jonathan groans, imitating a teenager, "Ugh, do we have to?"

"Yes, we 'have' to. If you wanna eat." I fold my arms.

He rolls his eyes playfully and starts to clean up breakfast mess. He also hands me a pen and paper, already assuming I would need to make a list. I begin to write down the essentials and then stuff for the picnic. Jonathan, obviously in a good mood, starts blasting Hotline Bling off his phone and starts dancing - I, roll my eyes..


"So, Evan," Lui begins, I turn my head from staring at Jon and the others playing with a football, "you gonna.. Do the thing?"

I chuckle slightly at the thought. I shake my head and keep a small smile plastered on my face.

"I've thought about it some more," I continue, "I think I'm going to wait.. It's only been a year. I love him, Lui, but.. I feel it's too fast. After everything we've been through, I want to take things slow."

Lui snickers and nods in response. I felt an arm grab my shoulder and look back to see Craig sitting down next to us. "Well, Evan," Craig began, "I gotta hand it to ya, you make the best PB and J's. Just the right quantity!" He shoves a bit of the sandwich in his mouth.

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