Chapter 37: Tears of Rage

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Song: One Thing - Finger Eleven (play when you see *•*)

Jonathan's POV:

I pace back and forth, hoping he had just went for a walk and dropped the present. But all the possibilities were leading up to him. There was a knock at the door and he went to get it, then never returned back in the house. I felt rage flow through my body.

No, no you've kept control all this time, not now. It's not the time, calm down..

I drop to the ground and lean against my bed. I put my head in my knees like a ball. I gritted my teeth and squeezed my eyes as tears ran down my now puffy cheeks. I hear a click and look up to see Lui peeking in the door.

"Hey.." He whispers, stepping in.

He sits down next to me and rubs my back.
I don't answer, I just stick my head down.

"Delirious.." Lui pried, "are you gonna talks to me?"

I shake my head.
"Well, you're gonna have to. We're all here for you. We are all in shock, rage, sadness. We may not feel the same you're feeling, but at least we are here and willing to help."

"I'm just so fucking mad.. I can't control it Lui.. My chest hurts, it hurts.. He's going to feel the exact pain I felt. Maybe even worse... This is all revenge.. I understand it now." I choke.

"What's the revenge?"
"We killed Anthony, his lover." I stand up and clench my fists.
"Don't you see!? He's going to kill Evan! H-He's going to torture him! He's going to-.." I break down and begin to cry.

Lui stands up and hugs me, it felt awkward with him being so short, but I didn't care at this point, "He's not going to kill him-"
"He is and you know it! You can't lie to me to make me feel better.." I cut him off.

Lui pats my back and leads me to sit on my bed as I mourn. "He could be dead right now.." I say.

"He's not dead. I'm sure he's doing this to get you there as bait, Jon. Be smart about this," Lui said.

"Hey, are you.. Um.. Okay?" I look up to see it was David and the others behind him.

I sniff and see Lui get up to talk to them. As they were busy, I look over at the gift. I each over and grab it. I caress my thumb over the wrapping paper. I start to tear it. After a few more tears, I have it open. My eyes widened to see it was Fallout 4. I've been wanting this game for a while. I smile lightly and flip it over and see a note attached to it. I read it, "Open me! <3".

To my surprise the clear foil is off and I open it. I see the disc and a small, flat, black box. I take out the small, flat box and set down the game case. I open the box and my eyes water up at the sight. I lift the two necklaces. It was like yin and yang, they were both stuck to each other with magnets inside them. I take them apart and leave them in the palm of my hand. On was red with a blue spot. The other blue with a red spot. I start to sob aloud. The guys heard me as I saw them approach and comfort me.

"Goddamn it, Evan..." I say to myself.


Evan's POV:

I wake up, bleary eyed. I scrunch my face at the pain my head brought. It thumped and thumped. Like a beating heart. I cough and my vision starts to clear and focus. I look around and start to panic at the change of scenery, the mucky, disgusting scenery. I look down at my tied hands in a chair. I start to get flashbacks of when Jonathan was in a chair like this. I wiggle and struggle to get out. "It's no use, Evan.." I hear someone sigh.

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