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Hey guys update!
I just wanted to say sorry for not updating this book frequently! Also, my other book. But I do want to say thank you for 2k reads on this book! I've never gotten that many reads on any book! You guys have changed me in so many ways.

And for that, I'm doing a QnA. You can ask me things about me or about my books! I'll also be doing a drawing. It's for the cover of my book Control The Deaths. It's not a fan fiction, but it's about the apocalypse. Send me it on DevianArt: CrazyCrafter510

Thanks again guys and I'm sorry for having major writer's block, and being busy. School sucks! Lol.
Love you alllllll so much!

Also, if you want to be in the book Control The Deaths, you can! Just comment in the book. :)

Thank you!!!!!! Thank you!!! Bye! Love you guys!


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