Chapter 31: A Dangerous Unknown

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Evan's POV:

I sighed and rub my face, just waking up. I look over and see that Jonathan wasn't there. I push my hair over to the side and slowly get up. I sniff a few times and felt weak. My knees quickly gave out, but I caught myself on the end table. It made some noise as I tried regaining my strength. I saw Jonathan's concerned face as he walked in. When I went to walk, he rushed to my side and put my arm around his neck. He sat me back down on the bed and rubbed my back.

"You okay, Evan?" He asked.
"I-I don't know, I don't feel sick or anything..just weak.." I answer.

He hummed and kissed my forehead,
"You're not running a fever, that's good."

"My nose feels cold and numb though, so do my lips.. I'm just cold.." I chatter my teeth as I began to shiver.

Why was I feeling like this? It's not the flu, because I'm not running a fever. So, what could it be? Could it be something serious?

"Well, I don't know.. I'll look online for symptoms. If we can't find anything then we can take you to the doctor if you don't feel better in a few days. Sound like a plan?" He asked, getting up. He's so sweet. I nod in response and give a weak smile as he exits.

I sniff again and begin to shiver. I feel so shaky and light headed, yet I don't feel sick. I peered around the room and saw something on the ground. I pick it up and hiss as it pricks my finger, drawing blood. Glass, but where did it come from? We haven't dropped anything and we don't wear our shoes in the bedroom. I set the glass aside, carefully, and make sure I'll have it later. I suck on the blood on my finger, but it got me good. Jonathan walks back in,
"I couldn't really find anything online-hey, what happened?" He approaches me and looks at my finger.

"I just cut it on something, I'm fine," I tell partly the truth.

"How'd you cut it?"
I shrug.
He shrugs back and pulls a band-aid out of his pocket. He put on the sticky bandage and kissed my finger. I giggle, lightly.

"No problem!" He smiled bright.
I lean in and kiss his cheek. He went to kiss my lips but I stopped him, "I don't want to get you sick, if I am,"

"Evan, does it look like I care?"
I giggle, "No, but I do and I don't want you to get sick, love."

"You know how difficult it's going to be? I want to kiss you every second of each day and I sub stain myself not to, now I can't kiss those sweet lips until you're better?"

He raised an eyebrow.
"You're not getting to me that easy, Jon," I teased.

"Ugh!" He whined.
"Forget it!"

Suddenly, he pulled me in and my lips met his. I didn't want to give in, but his kisses were irresistible. From what was a short kiss, turned heated and long kiss. I finally pulled away, panting and a string of saliva from out lips.
Jonathan frowned that it was over. I was sad too, but I couldn't risk him getting sick..if I was. "I love you, so much.." Jonathan said and rested his forehead on mine.

His act was strange to me, almost like he was sad. But I loved this side where he wanted more than just kisses. He just acted weird. I smiled and closed my eyes. Soon, he got up and told me to lay down, saying, "You rest, I'm going to make you some vegetable soup, sound yummy?"

"Yeah, it does, thank you, love."

He tipped his head at me and left to the kitchen. My eyelids were getting heavy as my body weakened some more. I couldn't keep them up as I fell asleep.


I soon awoke to the smell of soup, yet I couldn't get up. And, practically, right on que, Jonathan came in with the soup. He placed in on the side table and left to get a TV tray. He opened it and placed it in front of me when he got back, then placing the soup on there with a cup of water and some medicine. He put his hand out, asking if I needed help sitting up. I grabbed it as he pulled. It was much help.

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