Chapter 45: House of Memories

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WARNING: Since some people do not read the description to my stories of them, this story contains smut, language, triggers and more. Just to repeat.. Long chapter too so.

Therefore.. ;) you've all been waiting.. Warning.. Smut.
Song: House of Memories - P!ATD
Play when it see *•*

Jonathan's POV:

I rub my eyes and see I'm still in the living room. Evan isn't here this time though. He must've left. I look down and see a note and run my fingers through my hair. I pick it up and read it.

'Dear My Love,

You probably forgot today is Valentine's Day, but I do not blame you.
You've been stressed and a lot has happened so I've decided to pull a game or two.
Put on something nice, enough for dinner and a special surprise.
And I have a gift for you to bigger the special prize.
Meet me at the cafe for a cup of joe, to get you up and ready to go.
Love you my dear, with all my heart. I'll see you in a few, where we'll no longer be apart.



I smile and wide my eyes. Today is Valentine's Day how could I forget?
I quickly get up and get ready. I had to buy Evan a gift before the date.


I rushed in the store and bought Evan some CD's and a box of chocolate. It was all I could think of. I'm such a bad boyfriend. I sigh slightly and begin to walk in the cafe. I soon see Evan with a big grin on his face, sitting at a booth. A cup of coffee across from him. I smile and approach him. I take a seat and give him his gift.

"It's not much, but it's all I could get you last minute.. I know I'm a terrible boyfriend. Don't have to tell me-"

"Jon, I don't mind. I don't need any gifts for you to show me you love me. I know you forgot, and like I wrote in the note, you've been stressed. Don't bother okay?" Evan holds my hand.

I hold his hand back and my smile grows, "Yeah.. Okay.."

Evan lets go and takes a big gulp of his coffee, obviously not hot anymore.
"Drink up. Where we're going is going to be cold. Though, it's already cold.." He snickers, "but you took awhile, longer than expected,"

"S-Sorry.. I had to get those.. Speaking of do you like them?" I ask, nervously. I take a drink of the coffee, my favorite.

"They're great. A Metallica CD and chocolate - you know me so well.." He says in a high pitched tone. I slap his arm playfully and we begin to laugh.

After finishing, he held my gloveless hands and took me to the car.
"Funny, I walked here.." I snicker. He rolls his eyes and opens my door.

I get in and yawn from it being so early. I watched the sun begin to rise, not realizing it was that early. Evan gets in and starts the car. I then am instantly blindfolded. The beautiful scenery is gone, replaced with a black void of nothingness.

"Not this again.." I whine.
"Hush, don't worry, okay?" I can feel him smirking. I roll my eyes even if he can't see them. I smirk back as well. I pull my seatbelt and keep it out. Evan hums a "what?" and begins to giggle after.

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