Chapter 44: Case Closed?

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Little Bird - Ed Sheeran - play any time! :3

Jonathan's POV:

I sigh and stare at the police station in front of me. I feel nervous, it's stupid to feel this way. I felt a soft hand touch my fingers and hold them. I look over at Evan, he gives me a reassuring smile. I smile back but quickly back to gritting my teeth. We enter and right away people walking left and right. A small line for a file of complaints and another small line for emergencies. Then a huge booth of secretaries talking on a phone and/or waiting. I never knew how busy this place could be.

"They look awfully busy," I whisper to Evan, "maybe we should come at a better time. They probably don't want to deal with my worthless reason of being here,"

Evan shook his head, "No, it's alright. You know how many stupid complaints people report in that they have to handle? I'm sure asking for a simple case isn't too much trouble,"

Evan begins to walk towards one of the secretaries, taking me by the hand, "Besides, it'll probably give them something better to do than this. We'd probably be saving them from this disaster.." He laughed.

I smirked a bit and followed. Evan went to speak, but the woman have him the "one minute" finger, as she picked up the phone. Evan grew impatient and I held his arm. After the women finished a smile grew across her face and she cleared her throat.

"Hello, boys," she began, "is there anything you need?"

"Yes, actually," Evan says and turns to me for me to say the rest. I nod,
"We are here to look over the case of the death of my very close friend Luke Patterson. Is there any possible way you can get me back there with the detectives? To at least know what happened to him?"

The lady sighed and pressed a button and began to whisper in the phone.

"Yes, you may. I'm surprised you weren't questioned for the completed case. Detective Sark will be showing you," she gestured her hand as a fairly averaged height man steps in. He puts out a hand for me to shake. I grab it and give a firm handshake to show confidence.

"Follow me," he replies and we do just that.


After looking over all the pictures at the crime scene and all the possible murders, he showed me what they had concluded to.

"No, that can't be it. T-That's just.." I began and raised my voice, my hands on the metal table.

"Sorry, Mr. Denis, but it's all we can conclude to. There are no leads to any one in particular - other than just some very mentally ill person. Mr. Patterson was just at the wrong place at the wrong time," Detective Sark explained once more.

I shook my head and felt tears sting. There had to be another explantation, he couldn't just die in vain! He doesn't deserve it. My chest hurt at this. I wasn't thinking when I mention Adam, "What about Adam Mota?"

"Adam Mota.. Adam.. Mota," he began mumbling and flicking a pen on his chin.

"Ah! Yes, SeaNanners!" He began, "We looked into the possibility in that, but there were no finger prints leading to it being him. Or any of his 'henchmen'."

"Then how did they know?!" I blurted.
Evan held my hand and raised an eyebrow. I ignored his confusion and felt my blood begin to boil.

"What do you mean, Mr. Denis?" Sark leaned forward a bit.

I sighed and told him how I know, "They mentioned it. I didn't get a direct answer of how they knew, but all I know is.. Well, that they knew about him.."

Also, the fact that they pinned it on me. Losing my conscious, blacking out, turning into a mad Delirious.
I never thought about it until now. What if it was me? But it couldn't have been, Evan would have my back on this. We were recording and talking.

"Hm.." Sark hummed, "Well, unfortunately, we can get the answer to that, since he is dead,"

I shook my head and bit my lip. This was stupid. He couldn't have just been at the wrong place at the wrong time. Adam could've hired someone, or-or-
I widen my eyes at this thought.
"Ze," I said.

Sark raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"
I repeat only louder, "Ze! He was one of his henchmen, but he ran away!"

"Nice call boy, then this case is open. Have any idea where he might be?" Sark asked.

I shook my head left to right. Sark looked at Evan and he did the same.

"Hm.. We'll get on it and see if maybe he left any tracks. Other than that, we'll let you know. Thanks for coming Mr. Denis." He gets up and puts on a jacket.

I guess all I could do now was wait. Evan and I got up from the seats and left the station. When we arrived home, I felt very tired and like a complete waste of breathing oxygen. I felt as if I wanted to just sleep forever.
Evan gave me a reassuring back rub and smile. He cuddled close to me and pecked my cheek close to my ear.

"It's going to be alright, love," he whispers, "they have another lead to go through. You don't need to worry. And if it was just a mentally ill person, then so be it. Luke wouldn't care, maybe he died for a reason. For another to be born. Maybe it saved someone."

I sniff and cry I'm Evan's shoulder.
I hugged him tight and couldn't stop letting the tears flow.

"I know this sounds selfish, but Luke didn't deserve it. I want him here, back. I don't care if-" I stopped myself there, I didn't want to sound like complete douche.

"Jon, I know.. It's been almost a year now hasn't it? And almost a year of us being together. I know it's hard, but you know I'm here," he kisses my forehead, "and don't feel as if it's your fault. Things happen for a reason, sometimes not for a good one. Sometimes people can't explain that reason because they don't know that reason. I know I'd be in your position if this happened to me with you, or anyone else, but you have to know..

"I love you Jonathan, and nothing's going to change that. And I'll always be here when you're down. I'll never leave you, even when the earth splits between us and I have to travel all the way around the world to be with you, I'll do it. If you're in the middle of the ocean lost, I'll find you. Because I love you.. Jonathan.."

I looked up at Evan and couldn't help but cry at his beautiful speech. I know the reason why Luke died now, for Evan to come and comfort me, be here for me, have us fall in love.
I pulled Evan in for a long sweet kiss. He caressed my cheek and held my hand tight. We parted and I quickly hug Evan close. I rest my head on his shoulder. It was an awkward position, but I didn't care. I whisper back to him, "I love you, too." But I didn't really need to say it. He already knew. I just wanted to say it.

Thank you, Luke..


hOI! Im dANNY! I'm so sorry XD!
I've been a bit under the weather AGAIN! I have a sore throat and I have been shaking. Hopefully I don't have Strep because that would suck!

qotd: Who's Top And Who's Bottom?
Evan or Delirious

free hugs! *virtual hugs*

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