Chapter 25: Time To Say Goodbye

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Jonathan's POV:

As the time goes by it was close to leaving. We are leaving in two days. It's almost sad, considering all that's happened is bad. I feel like a part of me has changed, in a mature way. I'm still childish, don't get me wrong, it's just in a way to take things more seriously and appreciate what I have. Evan and I have been more than happy now. The guys have just been messing around as always and we've been back on schedule with recording and stuff.  It's seems our life has gone back to normal. I start to play with Evan's hair as he lays on my chest, a bit sleepy. I suddenly looked up with tired eyes and smiled at me. I smiled back.

I lean and kiss his forehead. What's best about all this, is being me. No more stupid mask or insecurities. At least, with the guys. I'll always have that half of me that's afraid of everything. But I don't mind, I know I'll always have Evan to help me. He blinked slowly and kept staring, I raise an eyebrow,

"What?" I laugh.
"You're just so beautiful," he comments.
I blush a little, "No ones more beautiful than you, my little Evy Bear,"

He giggled, "Evy Bear? Is that my Teddy Bear nickname?"

I hummed and smiled.
His smile slowly turned into a frown as he looked back down.

"What's wrong?"
"You remember the events of..Nanners..r-right?" He started to mumbled the end.
"Yeah, what about it?" I sigh, not wanting to remember the events.

"He.. He got away. Do you think he'll come back? Come back for revenge?"

I thought about it. I've never really thought about it, I've spent so much time trying to forget it when I should have still thought about those important details. Maybe Nanners will come back, but until then, I'd rather not worry about it and just move on.

"I don't know. But what I do know is that we can move on, even if he does, we'll be ready," I say.

He sighed and nodded. Suddenly, footsteps were heard and the door open.

"Are you two lovers gonna fuck around or come play some video games with us?" Brian said leaning on the door frame.

We both looked at each other and chuckled.
Evan nodded and got up.
"Yeah, yeah, we're coming."

~time skip~

I start packing my bags in a slow manner, I didn't want to leave, it'd mean I'd be leaving Evan. Maybe he can move in with me or I can move in with him? What if he's not ready for that step? I sigh and hear my lover walk in.

"What's with the frustrating sigh?" Evan crouched down next to me, helping me pack.

"How'd you know I was frustrated?" I ask.

"I just know," he chuckled, "something the matter?"

I shrug, "Yeah, I guess, but it's nothing important,"

"It's important to me."

I smile and exhale slowly, "I'm just gonna miss the guys and you.."

"You'll get to play online with us-"

"It's not the same, I mean, with the guys I'll be fine.. but I'll miss your kisses and hugs..I'll miss you," I turn to him. He smiled.

"I understand, I feel the same. Maybe we can move in together?" He rubs the back of his neck.

My eyes widened and my smile grew.

"Really? I'd love to!" I pull him in for a hug.

"D-Delirious..I.. Breathing.. It's important, you know.." Evan heaves.

"Oh!" I say and stop hugging, "Sorry, I don't know my own strength.." I blush.

"It's okay. You wanna move in my place? I feel it'd be safer..for some reasons that I'd rather not talk about and I know your the same,"

I nod in agreement, "Yeah..yeah I'd like that. We'd have to stop at my house and do all that paper work and moving crap, but.."

He chuckled and pecked my lips.

"Now hurry up, our taxi should be here in an hour, I still want to spend some extra time with the guys." Evan said.

"Okay, be there in a sec." I say and he gets up, exiting the room.

I inhale and exhale with a smile and finish up my packing. My mood changed just like that, that's how much I love Evan. He changes me in so many ways. Good ways. After packing, I gather my things and head downstairs to the guys. They were all hugging and chatting.
Brock, Brian, and Marcel were leaving early.
I set down my things and bro hug them.

"See ya, guys!" We all said as they exited.

"I can't believe how much has happened these past two months," Lui mentions.

"Yeah, I can say the same. It's been crazy. Speaking of, are you two lovebirds gonna tell the world?" Craig says, taking a bite out of his candy bar he had.

I look at Evan, I wanted him to answer that.
"Hm, I don't know, probably not for awhile. I think with publicity and'd be too much. All the fan girls and boys would go crazy." Evan's laughed. My thoughts exactly, I love Evan, but I don't think our love would be safe to give out. For many reasons.

Craig nodded and crumpled up his wrapper.
"Hey! You got some gummy bears? You promised!" Lui said in his squeaker voice.

"No, you fucking squeaker. I'm not giving you my bears!" Craig shouted/laughed.

We all started laughing as they continued to argue. David patted Lui's shoulder, telling him it was their time to go. Lui frowned but perked up and said goodbye.

Our taxi was next. We chatted a little bit more about random nonsense and talked about couple things.

"Hey, I know it's a little late and the guys are gone, but I wanted to apologize.." I said, not knowing why I was doing this. I feel like it needed to be said.

"For what?" Tyler raises an eyebrow and puts his arm around Craig.

"Everything. I'd rather not go over all my stupid mistakes," I chuckled at the end.

Evan out his arm around me and pecked my cheeks

"All that matters is that you're back and everything's okay," Evan says with a smile.

"Yeah, what Evan said. It's in the past now, don't worry about it." Tyler smiled.

I let a small grin form on my face. Soon our taxi was here. We hugged and said goodbye and headed inside the taxi for our flight.

I leaned on Evan's shoulder, feeling a bit tired, but managing to stay awake.


I looked out the window of the plane, gazing upon the beauty from above. Evan and I were watching a movie, but I got side tracked. I blinked a few times out of my gaze and stared paying attention. I leaned on Evan's shoulder and watched a sad part with him. The guy and the girl finally share a moment alone and fall in love, but are interrupted by a gun shot, causing the man to fall. This scared me, but shook it off. After that part I felt my eyes flutter a bit before closing them completely. I felt a something warm and wet on my forehead, knowing it was a kiss from Evan. I soon fell asleep.

A a wish your heart makes.. When you're fast asleep...



Yes, a short chapter. No, this is not even close to the end.. If you were wondering. I have way more planned. Sorry it took me so long to get to. I've been very busy with life lol. All your votes and feedback is what make my day, knowing I made yours in some way, shape, or form. I love you guys so much, I say that so much but I mean it.



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