Chapter 10: Normal?

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3rd POV:

Evan made it back home safely and started uploading more videos. While Jonathan on the other hand was having some problems. Jonathan went to the hospital to ask about his pain he's been having lately. Though Jonathan didn't share every bit of detail. He left out his eyes glowing. The doctors thought he was crazy and didn't give him anything. Jonathan didn't speak of this to anyone. Jonathan's nightmares were going away, but a new one popped up. A nightmare that was unexplainable.

Jonathan did more solo let's plays. While Evan played more with his friends. Evan tried to call Jonathan, but he just wasn't answering. Jonathan wanted to answer, but he couldn't. His body wasn't letting him for some odd reason. Of course they still texted and said goodnight each night, but that was it. Jonathan couldn't talk to Evan via voice.

Evan started to worry, but decided to give his lover some space. And that's just what Jonathan needed. Space.

Cartoons started popping up in Jonathan's head. Making him feel comfortable and happy. Since Jonathan was breaking. Jonathan asked many questions to Luke, but got very little answers.

After a few weeks of this, Evan thought it was time to ask what's wrong.

Evan: Hey, babe. You haven't been texting me back lately. Is something wrong? Do you hate me?

Jonathan saw this text and felt guilt. He knew he was pushing his lover away. He did need someone, even though Luke was in his head.

Jonathan: Yeah..sorry babe. I've just been feeling under the weather lately. That's why I don't want to skype. I don't want you seeing me like this.

Jonathan lied.
Evan saw right through it, but made it polite.

Evan: Well, I don't care. I love you. Can you please call me? We can play GTA?

Jonathan thought about it and texted back then headed to his office.

Jonathan: okay... Gimme a second.

Evan: YAY!

After both of them set up a few things they called each other on Skype.

Evan's face popped up on Jonathan's screen. He had a big grin on his face.

Jonathan laughed at his dorkiness. They both headed on GTA and played for a little while. Jonathan asked how everything was in Canada. For Evan, everything was pretty decent. Evan asked Jonathan how he was doing. Jonathan was broken; crazy; unstable. But didn't say anything to Evan other than 'good'.

After the two finished playing it was already 8:30 P.M. At Jonathan's. Jonathan wanted to get an early start tomorrow and go on a morning walk. So the boys said their 'goodnight's and 'I love you's and ended the call. Evan felt happy and warm that Jonathan talked to him, but did feel the fake ness of Jonathan's mood. He sighed and called up Lui.

"Hey, Lui," Evan said as the squeaker said hello back.

"What's up?"

"Ah..Jon.. He's been.. Weird lately. Like..something's off. I don't know."  Evan vented.

He told Lui about his strange acts ever since he left.

"Well, you could move in with him." Lui suggested.

"I..I'm just not ready for that, or to leave my hometown.."

"Well, just try and make him feel better-oh.. Hold on.." Lui stopped taking for a second and checked his phone.

He was getting another call. He added the calls together with Evan.

"Hey Tyler, I'm taking to Evan. And now so are you. Whatcha need?" Lui asked.

"Oh, hi Evan. Anyway, it's good that I have you both. So I'm thinking we all do a meet up. In California. I'm gonna buy this big house we can all stay in for two months!" Tyler exclaimed.

Evan smiled, but was confused.

"Wow! How'd you get all that money? And..why?"

"I have my ways, and just for fun. We can do a meet up. And I heard of this famous haunted house there that's a big attraction. I wanna go! We can also just hang."

Evan liked this idea, maybe it'd help Jonathan feel better.

"Sounds like a good idea. When are we going?"
Evan asked for more information on this.

"At the end of this month. I'll send word out. You guys too!" Tyler was ecstatic.

"Yay! I'm excited! See ya Tyler and Evan!" Lui squeaked.

They all said goodbye and texted a few people about it. The first person Evan texted was Jonathan.


Jonathan sighed and felt a buzz in his pocket. Evan was texting him already? But it wasn't Evan. It was an unknown number.

???: Remember me? Or have you already forgotten. No worries. I'll be back.. You owe me.

What? Who? A lot of things went through Jonathan's mind.

Jonathan: Who the fuck are you and how'd you get my number?

There was no answer after that. But Evan suddenly texted him.

Evan: hey dude! At the end of his month Tyler wants us to meet him at this house in California. It's for all of us to stay at for two months. Just to chill. You wanna go? The guys are going.

Jonathan thought about it. He did need a break from the craziness. Maybe he'd forget all about it.

Jonathan: sure! I'd love to.

Evan: Great! Alright. Tyler should text us more when he knows more! Bye! Love you!

Jonathan: love you too..

Jonathan felt kinda happy that he asked. Maybe this would help. He walked out of his office and soon fell asleep on his bed.

-time skip-

Jonathan woke up to go on his morning walk. It was peaceful, but there was a lot of dew because of how early it was. The air was fresh and there weren't many people out. Jonathan put in some ear buds and turned on his new outro song. He walked all the way to the new café in town. He walked in and took out his ear buds. He walked up to the bar and asked for a cup of coffee. He didn't really like coffee, but he wanted to stay awake today. After he ordered he sat at the bar and waited. He got his cup and  drank it slowly. The bell rang indicating that someone was waking in. Out of curiosity he turned to look. Then he saw someone that looked familiar. Three people walked in. One with black hair and wearing a Mario hat. Another with brown hair and a beard. And the third one, looking like the ring leader. He had a small beard and very short hair, slightly bald. They looked very suspicious and familiar, but Jonathan ignored them and carried on, paying for his cup and left.

Jonathan made it back home and took a short shower. After his shower he heard a knock on his door. He walked over and opened it to see someone he knew, he knew.

"Did ya miss me, Jonathan?"


*brain explodes* MIND BLOWN.

So who are those three? Who's this person at his door? Who's this unknowns number?

Tell me.. Make theories. I might use them. ;)


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