Chapter 19: A Lead

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Lui's POV:

Evan calmed down and soon just..froze.
"Evan..?" I wave my hand in front of him. He twitched a little and his eyes started to shake.


"What's wrong with him?!" Brian shouted.

"He's having a seizure!" I yelled. Why was he having a seizure? Something's defiantly wrong..

"Lay him down on his side! I'll call the ambulance," I instructed.

I've felt with this before with my family.
They taught me a lot of medical things, just in case. I never thought I'd need'em at a time like this. His body was shaking in Tyler's arms.
Soon the paramedics came and put him on a stretcher,

"We'll take him back to the hospital and run some tests, for all we know it could be something bad. But our guesses are because of stress. Who will be coming?"

I raised my hand and so did David, Delirious would if he was here.. They nodded and told us to come in. I sat in the back and watched Evan continue to shake. It was heart breaking. David put his arm around me, making me feel a bit better.


Once we made it they told us to wait outside while they did a scan. I knew what the scan was for, I was hoping they were right about it just being stress. I rested my head on David's shoulder and sighed. David looked at me and gave me a small smile,

"He's probably fine. Trust me, it's just from stress. You saw how he was acting,"

David was right. But I couldn't help but think it was worse.
I just sighed in response.

We saw the rest of the guys step in and take a seat next to us. Each having a worried look on their face. Soon the doctor and nurse came out and told us the news,

"Evan is fine. It was indeed from too much stress and activity. I suggest he gets some rest and don't say anything that will stress him out. If it happens again, have him take these," he handed a bottle to me. It was filled with pills. I couldn't pronounce the name and just assumed it helped. I sighed in relief, as did the rest.

"Can he come home?" Brock asked.

"Yes, I just need someone to fill this out," He put out a clip board and David took it.

I didn't listen to the rest he had to say and made my way into Evan's room. He was asleep. I sat down next to him and wanted to cry. I started to realize the pain he's going through. I mean, if someone I loved left me without saying I'd be pretty fucked up too.

"J-J...Lui?" His eyes fluttered open. I knew he was going to say Jonathan. For now, I'm here.

"Yeah..I'm here. You feeling okay?" I smile.

"I-I don't know.. I mean.. I.. Don't remember.. I do.." He coughed.

"Where's Tyler?"

"He's talking with the doctor, same with the others, why?" I point behind me.

He rubbed his forehead and continued, "I need to say sorry to him, I got way out of hand.."

"No need. I'm sure he forgives you. He did too," I reassure him.

"Okay, then.." His voice a little raspy, "any signs of.. Him?"

I didn't know what to say to that. I know he misses him, but I didn't want to stress him out.

"Uh.. I'll let you know later, the doctor says you need to rest, you are however coming home," I say changing the subject.

He nodded and looked around, like he was making sure of something.

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