Chapter 33: The Way The Wind Blows

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Jonathan's POV:

Time stopped, literally. I blinked a few times. Was this a dream? I did the pinch technic to see. I bit my lip as I punch myself. Not a dream. Not at all. My eyes widened at the bookcase that was about to fall on my love. His face in shock. I ran to the book case and pushed it up. I looked back to see if time went back. It didn't, it was still frozen. I walk around the room and start to freak out. How- how did I manage to do this? How do I get out of here? Am I stuck here forever? I get on my knees and control my breathing - I felt like passing out. I close my eyes continue to calm down.

"J-Jon, Love, are you okay?" I hear Evan's sweet voice say. I jump up and tackle him on the bed, hugging him tight. "You're okay, times continuing, God.." I whisper.

"Jon, I'm fine, but what happened!? One second that bookshelf was about to fall and it's not!? Was I dreaming or did you-" Evan said but I interrupted him.
"Yes, yes it did you're not crazy.. I am.. Time froze. I don't know.. I-I-"
"It's okay, shh.. Cough.. Let's just rest together, okay? We can talk more in the morning." He hushed me.

I nodded and hugged him close. I pretended to fall asleep, but I couldn't really. He soon fell asleep easily because he is sick. I stared at the ceiling. What happened? I rest my eyes shut and continue to think, not realizing I was falling asleep.


Evan's POV:

I woke up feeling weaker than before. I sniffed a bit at the stuffy air. I look over and see an empty space beside me. I try to smell the air as a faint aroma enters my nose. It smells good, like vegetable soup if I'm not mistaken. I blink a few times, still feeling sleepy. I see Jonathan then walk in with a smile and some soup. He placed it on a TV tray that's been set probably earlier. He placed it down and ran his fingers through my hair, it felt nice.

"How you feelin'?" He asked.

"To be completely honest, like shit." I cracked a weak smile.

"So I'm guessing visiting Marcel and 407 is out of the question?"
I shrugged, "I mean, I do wanna go. We've been so cooped up in this house it seems. But I just don't have the strength."

"I'd rather stay and have you get better than us go and something happen. It's fine, honestly, we can do it another time."

I nodded and hold his hand. "I'm surprised you aren't getting anything from me,"

He raised an eyebrow at the comment I made, "Yeah, actually, I am too. I guess I'm immune to it? Heh." He laughed.

I loved that smile. He's so amazing, caring. I don't deserve him, but yet I do. He's my everything, I love him.. So much. It hurts my chest how much I love him. I start to caress his cheek. I could barely keep my eyelids open, they felt so heavy. It was hard to keep my strength. Jonathan's smile soon turned into a frown and concern. "Evan.. Hey, you okay? Evan..?"

After that, I felt too weak to stay awake any longer. I felt myself become unconscious.


I awake in an unfamiliar room. My eyes bleary and my body weak. I look to my right and see Jonathan sleeping on the bed, but sitting on a chair. I groan at my head. It hurt. I must be in a hospital, I'm in a odd bed and there are monitors and what not all about. I look at my body, looking for any injury to put me here. Nothing. I start to gain memory of why I'm here. I fell unconscious? I glance back at the sleeping Jonathan. I slowly move my hand to his head and rub it. I must've scared him so much. He moves slightly and wakes up.

"I see you're awake," I answer and give him a small smile. His eyes widened and his mouth opens. I'm suddenly tackled with a hug. "God, you're okay.. You just fainted. I was so scared, Evan.." He whispers in my shoulder.
I pat his back and pull back, giving him a kiss.
"It's okay, I'm here, I'm fine. Where's the doctor?"

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