Chapter 26: Canada

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Jonathan's POV:

This was great. Moving to Evan's. I could finally be happy. Not that I wasn't after all this time, but no longer have to worry. But, of course, there will always be fear. After getting everything settled in Evan's house, it was official. Living under the same roof. My house was sold already to two girls.

All the boxes were in the house, scattered everywhere. Some were empty and most were still filled, but we got too tired to go for the rest. Evan's house was pretty big, but cozy. I collapsed on the couch after unpacking one of the boxes. Evan was lifting the heavy ones (show off) and placing them in order of where they go. I looked up and closed my eyes. Then I felt something in front of me. I put my head down and opened my eyes. Evan was kneeling in front of me with a small smile on his face.

He leaned in and kissed my lips. He was about to pull away, but his sweet sensation made me want more, I put my hand on his neck, pulling him closer. He stood up, our lips still connected and tongues fighting, and Sat on my waist. We finally pulled away, panting for air. I went to kiss him again, but he put his finger on my lips.

"We can continue this later," he giggled, "right now we need to unpack as much as we can."

I groaned and rolled my eyes. What a tease.
He got off and walked away. I sighed and got up to help. Hopefully we can finish before nightfall.

~time skip~

I laid on Evan's bed and groaned. Evan plopped beside me doing the same. We got a lot of boxes unpacked, but there were a few here and there. I sat up and realized I had to pee. Really bad.. I got up and ran.
Then, I felt it.. A sharp pain hit my foot.


I fell to he ground and hugged my leg. I felt it stick to my foot. I pulled off the thing that hurt me and looked at it.

"What the fuck, man!" I yelled getting up, but my foot still in pain.


I put the blue piece in his face.
He laughed, "Oh, I almost forgot about those,"

"Don't be a sissy,"

I glared at him, "Legos fucking hurt, man!"

He chuckled again, "No, they don't-"

"Have you ever stepped on one?"

He looked around the room for a moment,

"Try it some time.. It's a real delight. You better shut your mouth." I laughed.

"Make me," he smirked.

"You know I would if I didn't have to pee so bad. It's your fault I almost peed my pants,"


"Yeah, huh!"

"Go take a piss, Delirious!"

"Fuck you!"

I said and laughed while walking to the bathroom, dropping the Lego.

I soon heard a scream of pain in the distance,

I quietly laughed to myself before going to the bathroom.


I slowly opened my eyes and saw the sunny beams of light beam through the blinds. It turn my head and see Evan's bare back. I smile and start planting kissed against his neck and back.
"You're up, too?" I heard his raspy morning voice say.

"Yeah," I whisper, feeling my voice gone.

He flipped over and stared into my eyes. His chocolate brown eyes were beautiful.

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