Chapter 14: How I Want Ya

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Song- How I Want Ya - Thames, Dev
;) play when you see *•*! It's a little fast, so might wanna look up a slower version on a separate device.. :p

Evan's POV:

I laid there with a sleeping Delirious hugging me. He started shivering and crying? Then he shot up, so did I.
He looked around and then looked at me.
He gave a sigh of relief.

"You okay? You were..shivering and crying in your sleep..." I ask, putting my hand on his arm.

"Yeah..I'm fine.. Just..just a nightmare.." He breathed out.

"Well, okay. The guys are downstairs if you wanna play with them?" I suggested.

He nodded and as he got up his phone fell out of his pocket. He stopped at the doorway as I hid it behind my back. I felt bad, but this was the only way to see what he's been up to.

"You comin'?" He asked.

"Yeah, be there in a sec."

He nodded and left.

I quickly took out his phone and swiped it. Locked. Hmm...

I type in my name.

Haha.. You're my passcode too..

I look through his Twitter. Nothing. I then look through his text messages.

Who the fuck is this? He's threatening him? Owing people something? Why wouldn't he tell me this stuff?

I sigh and feel my heart sink. Maybe this was what he meant by breaking up on the hill? He wanted to protect me..? I felt rage go through me. I know he means well, but I can take care of myself. I can help. Why doesn't he trust me?
Whatever, I did tell him to not worry about it, so why should I? But I can't help think about it more. Maybe these are his nightmares? Ugh.. So many questions.

I put his phone down on the table and head downstairs, like I said I would.

~time skip~

"Man, it's already 7:00!" Brock exclaimed.

"Anyone else in the mood to party?" Tyler joked.

"We could go out?" Lui suggested.

"Sure!" Craig chimed in.

All the guys except for me and Jonathan went into the doorway.

"You coming, guys?" Marcel asked, motioning his hands to come.

I wasn't really in the mood to party.

"Nah.. I think we'll just stay here." Jonathan took the words out of my mouth.

They nodded and David and Lui just smirked at us. I shrugged and they left.

It was just me and Jonathan..

Jonathan's POV:

I look over at Evan. He seemed a bit down. Maybe I should do something about it. After all, he's helped me with so much lately. I think I have the right thing to pay him back...

"Wanna hang upstairs?" I ask all chill like.

"Um, why upstairs?" He looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"Just 'cause... I have a surprise.." I giggled.

He just shrugged and we headed upstairs into our room.

I closed the door behind us and Evan just stood there crossing his arms, watching me.
I walked over to the stereo and chose a song


I started walking around Evan sexily. I then pushed him on the bed and he sat down as I stripped my mask off of my face. I pecked his lips. I walked in front of him and smirked.

"What are you doing, you goofball?" Evan chuckled.

"Well, I'm gonna strip for you!" I flirted.

His eyes widened and he smirked a big smirk.

"But no touchy touchy!" I giggled.

"Awww!" Evan whined.

I laughed and began by teasing him. I pressed my finger on my lips and tugged at my shirt. Only showing my belly. I winked at him as he watched. I turned my back to him and pulled my shirt off slowly. I glanced back as Evan was smirking big. I unbuttoned the front of my pants and unzipped them. I turned back around and Evan saw my unzipped pants. I saw his urge to try and pull them down. But I gave him the no finger. I walked up to him and leaned on his chest. Lips inches away.

"So, you can touch me, but I can't touch you? Unfair.." Evan complained.

"Yep!" I giggled and slid my hands down his pants. I palmed him through his boxers and he gasped.


Evan was shocked that I'd do this. I may be a virgin, but I know how to make this a good time. I moved and had our lips touch. He kissed back and I bit his bottom lip as moaned.
He broke the rule and started palming me. I giggled and gasped. I kissed him again and he smiled through the kiss. I unzip his pants and tackle him. I hover over him as he giggles. I start to slowly grind him. His face clenched and he moaned softly. I was about to pull down each our pants when we heard talking and yelling. My eyes widened and so did Evan's. We quickly got off of each other and dressed back up. I got my mask and looked at Evan who was blushing heavily.

They were back early?

We ran downstairs and looked at the guys. They were sober.

"I-I thought you guys were going out?" I tried to say, like we were doing nothing.

"Eh, not many places to go. They're all dead. You too look like you just had sex and heard us." Tyler joked.

Evan and I looked at each other and felt red hot while he kept his cool.

"No, weirdo. We were editing the vlogs." Evan lied.

"Mmhm.." Lui hummed.

Evan rolled his eyes. He was a good actor that's for sure.

"Well, I'm tired, see you guys in the morning!" Brock and Brian both said and ran up.

"Yeah, me too. Night!" Lui said and David followed.

"Whatever love birds.." Tyler ran up too and Craig was trailing behind.

Evan and I just laughed to ourselves.

"I enjoyed the show.." Evan mumbled.

"It's not over yet, it's on hold for the time being.." I sexily say.

Evan smirked at me and we headed upstairs to sleep.

Well...maybe I'll try again some other time..

Short sweet chapter! Lol. Hope you liked it.

Again, Jonathan's super power? And name some dares for when the two months are up and one of the guys are it!
Did I tease us there? ;)



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