Chapter 9: Don't Leave

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3rd POV:

It's been over two weeks that Evan has stayed. The best two week for both of them. They had gone on three dates so far, each ending with a horny Evan and a little bit of kissing. Though it didn't get so far because of Jonathan's fear. By now Evan knew for sure Jonathan was a virgin. It was a surprise, just because of the way Jonathan acts on recordings.

Evan was sitting in the living room thinking. He knew he had to leave soon, but he didn't want to. He knew as soon as he left, Jonathan would fall apart. He wasn't saying Jonathan was weak, he just wanted to be there for him so he knows he's not alone. Jonathan snapped Evan out of his thoughts, walking in with his phone.

"Hey, Tyler texted me saying he wants to play Gmod, you wanna play?"

"Hm? Oh, sure. Be there in a sec.." He answered.

Jonathan nodded and left to set up.

Evan and Jonathan always tried not to kiss each other on camera. It was hard, but they've made it through. It also didn't help that Jonathan change Luke's room into an office/guest room. So now they were in the same room recording.

Evan knew as Jonathan was moving things and packing things in Luke's room there was hate and regret. But he stayed strong.

Evan left and headed in the room with Jonathan. Jonathan had set everything up for them. 'How sweet..' Evan thought.

He walked over and lifted Jonathan's mask to his lips.

"Thanks, babe." He pecked his lips and then heard a gasp.

"Woah! Since when did this happen! What the fuck?" Tyler gasped.

Evan's face turned red, so did Jon's. He didn't know the Skype call was on.
Evan glared at Jon, but not in a mean way. Jonathan just smiled and shrugged.

"The ship has sailed!" Lui said.

Evan and Jonathan decided to tell them, I mean why not? The guys always made jokes about it, why not make it true.

"Wow, that's sooooo cute!" Craig cooed.

"Heh...I guess it is.." Evan rubbed the back of his neck.

They all laughed and started playing.

Evan was still nervous about the events and what he was going to do. Jonathan noticed this.

"You okay, Ev?"

Evan gave him a sad look, but quickly faked being happy.

"Yeah, don't worry about."

Jonathan nodded slowly and they continued trying to get a glitch going.

-time skip-

Evan's POV:

After our recording, Jonathan left to get some pizzas. While he was gone it meant I could do some looking. I searched up my airlines and looked at the prices and times. The only one available for this month was tomorrow. I couldn't leave tomorrow. I can't stay here for a month either. I don't have enough things. Even though Jon could give me some things, but we have different a sizes. I sighed. I just sat there thinking. I guess I'll figure it out later tonight.

By then Jonathan came back with our Hot 'n' Ready. I minimized the screen and joined him for dinner.

"What's got you so down today?" He asked as we ate.

I couldn't tell him. I'm not sure yet. I'll just keep my spirits up for him.

"Just in deep thought today." I answered, giving a sad smile.

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