Chapter 6: You And Me Day

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Song- Delirious Outta My Mind - Deliri0us

Play when you see *•*.

3rd POV:

Jonathan woke up with warm arms around his waist. He looked over to see Evan, fast asleep. He felt his face, but felt his mask. Remembering the events of last night. Jonathan felt very uncomfortable. Even thought she was gone, he still felt violated and disgusted. For the first time in awhile, Jonathan woke up early. After all Evan had done for him, Jonathan thought it was his turn to return the favor. He slowly got up from the Canadians arms and replaced the space with a pillow. He opened the door quietly and headed to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and felt the cool breeze hit his shirtless chest. He grabbed some milk, eggs, butter, and bacon.

He then went to his cabinet and grabbed bananas and pancake mix. He grabbed the measuring tools and cooking utensils. He poured the mix into the large bowl with some water. He stirred that around for a bit and grabbed more ingredients that were required for the meal. After the batter was made, he put it on the pan. He waited and flipped. After he cooked up some bacon, which triggered the Canadian to wake. He saw Evan walk through the room with a big grin on his face. Jonathan finished the last bit of making breakfast and put it down on the table.

" served." Jonathan mocked a French accent.

Evan laughed and grabbed a plate, then sat down with Jonathan.

"You're up early?" Evan mentioned.

"Yep, I think it's time I repay all you've done for me," Jonathan smiled, putting butter in the top of his pancakes. He lifted his mask to his lips.

"You don't have to do this, it's fine. Really," Evan said, then poured syrup on his pancakes, basically drowning them.

(Does anyone else do that? I do..:))

"Nope! I want to do this and I will! Plus, since today in you and me day, I planned it all out." Jonathan added, shoving a bite of pancake into his mouth.

Evan laughed and let Jonathan do whatever he wants. Evan liked this side of Jonathan. The sweet, happier side. Evan was surprised Jonathan got over last night's events.
But he shook it off and kept this happy morning going.

Evan was about to get up for more pancakes, but Jonathan stopped him.

"I'll get it." He answered, but didn't grab Evan's plate.

"What about my-" Evan was interrupted by Jonathan throwing a pancake into his face and yelled..


Jonathan laughed uncontrollably. Evan loved that laughed. He laughed along and the pancake fell into his lap from his face.

"Thanks.." Evan simply said and ate the 'puncake' Jonathan threw.


After breakfast the boys got ready, both dressing to impress one another. Only both didn't know their feelings. Once both were ready they walked out.
Jonathan was wearing a blue shirt and a black leather jacket over it, along with some black skinny jeans. Evan was wearing a white shirt and red jacket, along with some dark blue, ripped, jeans.

They both stared at each other, but quickly looked away and blushed.

"Where's our first stop?" Evan asked.

"It's all a surprise.." Jonathan smirked.

Evan was quite curious of the masked man's plans. He thought of the possibiltles; A restaurant; will he confess his love. Evan knew better than for Jonathan to love Evan back. Though, both men were completely oblivious.

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