Chapter 27: New Friends & a Fiasco!

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3rd POV:

The rest of the guys have been normal after the events. Getting back on their recordings schedules, editing some old ones for back-up, and spending time with others.
The viewers are pleased and happy to see them all back in action, but a lot of them had questions that the guys refused to answer.

Tyler and Craig moved in together (none of the guys know, along with Evan and Jon's move) and are having fun decorating their two offices.
They've also been bonding a lot too.

Lui and David are bonding a lot more, they are moved in together, which everyone knew before, but are both starting to develop something that they are refusing .

Marcel and Simone have been fixing up their relationship since he's been gone for so long and she's out to visit. One day Marcel went for a small walk by himself to Starbucks. He was staring down at his phone and didn't see where he was going and bumped into someone, causing their coffee to spill on both of them.

"Oh, dude! I'm so sorry!" Marcel exclaimed and tried to help, looking up at the man.

"'s okay.." The man said, hissing at the burning pain of the cider.

"Let me make it up to you, I'll buy you another,"

"N-No, it's fine, really-"

"I insist, come on."

The man smiled and followed Marcel into the cafe. Marcel bought him another Apple Cider to drink and bought himself a hot chocolate as well. They both took a seat by the chilly window, since the place was busy and no others were available.

"Thank you," The man smiled.

Marcel grinned back, "No problem, it's the least I can do to,"

"What's your name?" The man asked taking a sip.

"Marcel, but most of my friends call me Basically."


"I record videos on YouTube, my name is BasicallyIDoWrk. I record with my friends and we make some pretty funny ass videos, not to sound bias." Marcel chuckled.

"Oh, you make videos? So do I!" The man exclaimed, a huge grin danced on his face.

"Really? Cool, maybe we could record sometime. What's your name?"

"Scott..or Scotty. One of the two," he answered.

Marcel took a sip and then took out his phone to go into his notes app, "Channel name?"



The guys all decided to record today. They all set up to play around with Garry's Mod. In this recording was:
Evan, Jonathan, Tyler, Craig, Marcel, and his new friend.

As soon as they logged in they all saw the new user who's name was '407'. Marcel introduced them to him, one by one. They all seemed to like him and had him join in on the fun. They decided to mess around before recording.

"Hey, Delirious, I got you a gift, love." Evan said, his character holding a bouquet of flowers.

Jonathan's character went to him,
"Aww, thank you, baby- wait..what's that beep-"


Evan started laughing, along with the guys as Jonathan's character went flying up in the air, he yelled,

"You bitch!"

"Looks like someone's not getting any loving's tonight, Vanoss," Craig chuckled.

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