Chapter 8: A Date

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A/n again this will be another short but sweet one, having a bit of writers block and very busy with packing for vacation. Wanna see me vlog? YouTube channel is Crazy Crafter_510. Thanks bye!

Jonathan's POV:

Today was a big day for me. Everything has turned up. Except for the nightmares.. But today was the day I go on a date with my boyfriend Evan. I can't imagine this. Evan has it all planned out. I don't know a thing. He won't tell me..little devil..

I mess with my hair a bit to see the perfect style. Then I put on deodorant and some Axe..just to smell a bit nice.. I put on a nice blue flannel and some ripped skinny jeans. Then I reach for my mask. I pick it up and look at it, rubbing my thumb over the details and scratch marks. I grin softly to myself and put it on. I walk out to see a gorgeous Evan. Hair spiked up, wearing his famous smile and jacket. He put his hand out for me and I took it, giggling. He pulled me close and whispered in my ear,

"You look amazing, but you'd look even more amazing without your mask.. But I understand if you don't want to take it off. I'll just have to 'go' around it.."

I feel myself start to melt. I'm glad Evan understood my insecurities, but I get his point. Though I don't understand what the 'go' meant. I nodded and was red hot under my mask. Evan pecked my neck and opened the door to the outside.

He was such a gentleman. He opened the door for me and went around to his side.

"Where are we going?" I ask, jumping up and down in my seat.

Evan started to back out of the driveway.

"You'll see.." He mumbled loud enough for me to hear as he was concentrating.

-time skip-

I get out of the car and see a building with beautiful lights. I live here and didn't know about this place, yet Evan does? Google...
We walk in and Evan steps in front of me, holding my hand. I blush under my mask. I look around as Evan told them the reservations he made. This place looked expensive. He was doing this.. For me? I finally notice the people staring at me, giving me startled and confused looks. I look away from them and hide behind Evan, gripping his hand tight. He looked back at me and noticed my state. He gave me a small grin and the host told us to follow him.

We headed up a spiral staircase to the roof. There were very little people and it was full of lights. We sat down at our table and the host gave us the menus. He left and told us to wait for our waitress. I lifted my mask to my lips to show Evan my smile. He smiled back and leaned over the table to peck my lips. I blush and look around in amazement.

"Cool, right?" Evan smirked.

"H-How did you afford this?" I turn to him.

"I have my ways,"

"You did a-all this for m-me?" I manage to get out, trying not to tear up at Evan's kindness.

"Anything for you, I love you."

I blushed heavily and felt tears threaten me. I let out a small sniffle. Evan's grin quickly frowned and his brown eyes looked at me with concern.

"What's wrong? Do you not like it?" Evan asked.

"N-No! Not at all.. It's just.. No ones ever done this for me.." I sniffle and put my finger under my mask to wipe away the rolling tear.

He relaxed and smiled softly. Soon the waitress came.

"Would you like something to drink?" She asked.

I was about to say something, but Evan interrupted.

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