Chapter 12: Happy

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Song - Happy - Never Shout Never <3 play when you see *•*!

Jonathan's POV:

"I'll find you..and I'll kill not only you, but your little boyfriend."

"What can I do besides THIS for you to leave me and him alone? Please!"

"Break up with him. Leave him."

"I-I can't! No!"

"Do it!"




I shot up and caught my nightmare.

Fucking Christ...

I sighed and held my head close to my knees.
I felt tears threaten me. Maybe..maybe this nightmare is right... I can't.. But I have to, it's the only way to protect him.


I looked at the time and finally smell the bacon from down stairs. I slowly get up and slug my way down stairs. I see Tyler and Craig making breakfast together and Brian and Lui talking to someone. Evan.

I run up to him and he notices. I hug him and he hugs back. Brian grunts in confusion.
I quickly pull away and give Evan the look. We laughed awkwardly and Brian just rolled his eyes.

"When did you get here?" I asked.

"Earlier this morning while everyone was asleep, well, Tyler was awake." Evan smiled.

"Well, it's good to see you again. We need to talk, later though.." I said, not realizing I had to do this.

He nodded and we all made our way over to Craig and Tyler who had just finished up breakfast. We talked about what's planned for this week. It was mainly just to chill and maybe head down to the beach.

"Well, maybe we could head to that cool park. The one with the big hill? And huge field?" Craig asked.

Evan seemed excited about this.

"Yeah! Definitely!" He and Tyler exclaimed.

"We can do that tomorrow." Brian suggested.

Evan slightly smirked and decided to do something. He pulled out his phone and started recording when he heard footsteps come downstairs. He hid behind a wall and waited for the person to come out.



We all started laughing as Evan scared Lui.

"What the hell, man?" Lui complained.

"Prank wars! But you can't prank the person who just pranked you! Also, at the end of the two months one of us has to do a embarrassing dare picked by the viewers!" Evan explained while recording, we all heard too.

"Sounds like fun!" Tyler, Lui, and Craig said.

"What? No!" Brian whined.

I stayed silent.

"C'mon! It'll be fun. Whatever we're doing it anyway." Evan laughed.

"Well... Who to prank.. Marcel, Brock, or David..since they are the easiest right now.." Lui pondered.

Everyone looked at each other then back at Lui.

"David." We all said bluntly.

We all laughed and Lui went over to one of the cubbies. He switched up all the boxes of foods to where if it were to be opened it would all fall. The trap was set.

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