Chapter 35: A White Christmas (1)

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3rd POV:

Jonathan invited the guys via text and they were all up for it. Although, all of the guys responded but two. Scott and Marcel. It was a mystery to him as why they didn't respond, considering he had talked to him recently over the phone, but he shrugged it off thinking they were most likely busy.

Evan was still not out of bed so Jonathan decided to check on him. It wasn't like him to sleep in this long, even when he was sick. He entered the room and saw Evan's furrowed eyebrows as he slept. He walked over and sat down in the bed. He put his hand on his forehead seeing him sweat. He felt warm, but to make sure it wasn't his own temperature, he placed his lips on his forehead. He pulled away and put his finger on his chin.

"I thought it went away.." He said to himself, thus waking Evan.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you. You feelin' alright, babe?"

"It's fine..," he sighed and continued, "Not as good as the past few.. I feel like complete shit today.."

Jonathan raised an eyebrow, "How about you take your medicine?"

"Yeah, maybe that'll help. Did you already.. place invites?" Evan asked rubbing his head.

With the help of Jonathan, he successfully sat up. "Yeah bu-"
"It's fine.. Okay? Keep it on." Evan gave a weak smile, he already knew that Jonathan was going to place the "we can cancel if you're sick" bid. "Okay," Jonathan shrugged and looked around the room.

"I'll go grab your medicine and some food. Would you like maybe an apple or something? Just to get you started?"

"Yes please. Thank you, Love." Evan coughed.

Jonathan left with a comforting nod.
Evan was left to his thoughts of why he was feeling like this. He was just fine a few days ago. Now he feels worse..

Evan scanned the room for anything unwanted or something he hoped not to see. He spotted something some glass with a liquid on it. It was a broken piece of glass. The liquid dripping onto the carpet. Evan got up, slowly, grabbing a tissue to pick it up. He did so and placed it on the TV tray that was left previously. He inspected it, the liquid now dropping on the tissue. The liquid was a dark purple, violet. But it looked very thick, seeing as when it made a drop, it took nearly a minute to even get to the sharp edge.

"I've got some a- What's that?" Jonathan said, stepping in.

"I-I don't know.. It was on the ground," Evan answered with uncertainty.

"What.. Is it?"
"It looks like a thick liquid.. It's violet.. We- We should take this to the Doctor.."
Jonathan nodded and left the room to grab a small container and tweezers.

-time skip-

After delivering the piece, they headed home and pondered over the incident.

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