Episode 4

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Seulgi POV

"Ahh!! Unnie! " Yeri screamed as Wendy dragged her out along with me.

"Why am I being dragged too?" I began to question when we were out.

"Why? Oh.My God. Did you even realise what you did in there? Do you like one of them, Kang Seulgi?"

"Wait...What?! NO!" I immediately yelled realising what she said.

I glanced at the maknae who acted all innocent,looking away. Not going to lie that she looks cute a bit like that. That's her charm point anyways. As if it was not that obvious she liked either one of them. If not why would she constantly want to see them for no reason? It was her idea in the first place to visit them here. My guess is either she likes Jungkook or Taehyung. Though jumping to conclusions like that seems a little hasty. For all I know, I could have been wrong. She is unpredictable.


After the performance at, we headed back to the apartment. Rehearsal since early morning till late night for the broadcast. I'm not going to lie that it was tiring. I doubt we all have any energy left to do anything.

"You guys go back first, I have..ummm... some stuffs to do at the....company." Joohyun unnie smiled suspiciously as we left the van.

"Huh? What? We'll follow you too!" Seunghwan insisted obviously because she was stuttering.

"It's okay, really. You all look exhausted. Especially Yeri. I'll just be quick. It's not that so important for you all to be there too. See you guys." She said in a hurry as she rushed us inside the building before driving away

"It's not just me right? Irene unnie is acting weird?" Sooyoung asked around as we just stood by the entrance watching her drive off.

The rest of us just nodded as we brushed it off. I doubt she would hide something behind us. We trust each other well. Plus she's right about Yeri being exhausted. She barely had any energy to even stand properly. We walked towards the elevator when we heard another van drive in.

"Noona! Hello! " Jungkook greeted as he poked his head out of the van.

Almost immediately, Yeri shot up as if she's been awake all this while. She turned around to his direction as the other members exited the car. But...the numbers seem off...

"I'd thought you guys would get busy and have other stuffs to do." Wendy questioned as we waited for the elevator together.

"Yeah? Well we thought so too, but I guess tonight's not the night." Seokjin responded to her.

I examined her from the back as hse casually interacted with them. Not only her, Sooyoung and Yeri were also causally talking and joking. And Yeri was supposedly exhausted.

"Seulgi. Why are you so quiet?"

I looked up and saw the rest of them looking at me. I just awkwardly laughed it off as the elevator saved me. We all entered as I stood at the back. Their numbers really seem a little too even.

"Are you guys missing a member?" I randomly asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Taehyung said he had somewhere to go." Namjoon replied me.

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