Episode 8

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Wendy POV

"She left for a few minutes and returns crazy. Did something happened? " I questioned at the two weird maknaes.

"What? Nothing happened. Everything is fine." She insisted as she slumped down onto one of the chairs and squealed to herself.

We stared at her before turning back to Yeri. If Joy is not speaking, we're forcing the answer out of the other one.

"I have nothing to do with this. She suddenly came over to me and Jungkook oppa and suddenly acted weird like this." Yeri insisted as she raised her hands.

"First our leader and now Sooyoung? What's wrong with you all honestly?" Seulgi sighed.

"Wait... what do I have to do with this?" Irene unnie asked as we all rolled our eyes sarcastically.

"Yeah, right . As if there's nothing between you and Taehyung. I'm like the only one here with no exact relationship with them." I scoffed playing with my phone.

"What do you mean? What about me?! As if I have a thing for any of them too!" Seulgi defended herself.

"Are you sure? What about Jimin oppa?" Yeri teased as J agreed with her.

It didn't take long for Seulgi to throw whatever object was near to her reach towards Yeri. The rest of us, well mainly me and Irene unnie, were just watching the two of them joking around. As if it was a lie.


"Can we go out and eat today? There's this place I really wanted to visit." Yeri asked all of us out of the blue.

"What's with the sudden suggestion?" Irene asked her as she fixed the maknae's hair.

"Why not? I just felt like it." She replied back before turning to Joy for backup.

"Yeah, let's go. It's been quite long since we last ate out." Joy said from the side.

"Hmmm... I guess so. Manager oppa, we could eat out today right?" I added as Irene was still busy.

"I guess so. Where do you want to go? "

"Well...there's this one shop but it's not much of a place to eat. More like a comfortable café but of course with food. " Yeri suggested.

I looked at Yeri questionably. Something seems up but I'm not sure what it is.


"How did you find out about this place though? The internet?" Seulgi questioned Yeri as we walked into the cafe.

The minute we entered, I could guess what's the catch. I saw the BTS members sitting at one corner of the café. Ironically, the patrons here didn't approached them or anything. I thought at first it was pure coincidence that we are here. But I guess I was wrong. It's another episode of lonely Son Wendy once again I thought as we approached their table casually.

"What are you all doing here?" Irene unnie questioned for all of us.

"What? To eat of course! This place is quite secluded so no paparazzis know about it." Taehyung replied her while winking.

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